Excellence in education and scientific research; and leadership in community engagement.
To provide quality education and lifelong learning, encourage innovation and scientific research, strengthen community engagement and to prepare qualified and competent people within a motivating environment that are up to date with modern technology.
The University Establishment: The custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, may Allah bless him, issued a royal decree of establishing Najran University on Shawaal 10th,1427A.H. during the inauguration ceremony of the University campus.
Vision "Leadership in teaching, learning, and community service and active contribution to building a society of science and knowledge"
Mission "Offering teaching and learning that address the needs of society and the labor market; effective contribution to sustainable development through conducting applied research and optimal use of modern technologies; and establishing partnerships at the local, regional and global levels"
Strategic objectives (1) Achieving academic programs that can compete internationally within the framework of Islamic values. (2) Graduating distinguished students with great efficiency for the future. (3) Promoting the competencies and efficiency of the teaching staff. (4) Enhancing and investing in university facilities as well as utilizing new technologies. (5) Improving learning resources in line with the universal standards. (6) Providing excellent services and support for students. (7) Developing the financial and administrative systems according to the total quality standards. (8) Securing a prosperous professional future for the alumni. (9) Developing academic research policy to support sustainable development. (10) Improving Post-graduate programs. (11) Continuous and effective commitment to community service. (12) Establishing a framework for national, regional and global cooperation and partnership.
Founded 1918 and opened on Mount Scopus 1925. Transferred to Central Jerusalem 1948 when Mount Scopus was cut off from Jewish section of the city. Construction of Givat Ram campus started 1954, completed 1958. Mount Scopus campus reopened 1967, and the return of the student body and staff was completed 1981. Also campuses in Rehovot (Agriculture), and Ein Karem, Jerusalem (Medical Sciences). A private Institution financially supported by the Government, tuition fees and donations.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founded in 1918 and opened officially in 1925, is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world and first among Israeli universities.
The recognition the Hebrew University has attained confirms its reputation for excellence and its leading role in the scientific community. It stresses excellence and offers a wide array of study opportunities in the humanities, social sciences, exact sciences and medicine. The university encourages multi-disciplinary activities in Israel and overseas and serves as a bridge between academic research and its social and industrial applications.
The Hebrew University has set as its goals the training of public, scientific, educational and professional leadership; the preservation of and research into Jewish, cultural, spiritual and intellectual traditions; and the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge for the benefit of all humanity.
The Hebrew University strives for excellence, an integral element in its academic life. Its outstanding scholars have achieved impressive breakthroughs in a variety of disciplines, and it is among the very top winners of the European Research Council’s competitive grants to young researchers. One-third of all competitive research grants awarded in Israel are won by Hebrew University scholars.
After nearly a century, what began as a small girls’ school in Birzeit town has become the most prestigious Palestinian university, transforming Palestinian higher education through its impact on community awareness, culture and resistance. Birzeit University has been a thorn in the side of the occupation, insisting on playing its role of enlightenment and creating a multicultural Palestinian society on the campus grounds. There, students and staff are able to dialogue and communicate, rejecting the occupation’s attempts to chaperone thought and culture.
In the 1970s, and despite the occupation, Birzeit became a university, blending Palestinian values and Arab culture with an openness to world cultures.
Birzeit University offered a great opportunity for all segments of Palestinian society to access higher education, in particular rural Palestinians and girls. The university campus has become a unique microcosm of Palestine, representing all layers of society: rural and urban, rich and poor, male and female, conservative and liberal. These different groups have been able to gather together in and atmosphere of freedom and respect for the opinion of the other. This marks Birzeit University’s uniqueness and originality.
The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions in the natural and exact sciences. It is located in Rehovot, Israel, just south of Tel Aviv. It was initially established as the Daniel Sieff Institute in 1934, by Israel and Rebecca Sieff of London in memory of their son Daniel. In 1949, it was renamed for Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the first President of the State of Israel and Founder of the Institute.
The history of the Weizmann Institute of Science is interwoven with that of its friends and benefactors from around the world. Established originally with the generous support of the Sieff family of the UK, the Weizmann Institute has proudly assembled a wide international network of friends and supporters, all of whom share our vision of science for the benefit of humanity.
The Weizmann Institute campus pays tribute to these exceptional philanthropists through its buildings, plazas, halls, and courts. Their names, etched in stone, are an inspiration to our community.