
Based on human rights, on the principles of Christianity, and on the tradition of Marist education, the Mission of PUCRS is to produce and disseminate knowledge and promote human and professional development, driven by quality and relevance, with the objective of developing a just and fraternal society.


By 2022, PUCRS will have become, in accordance with its Mission, an international reference in Higher Education by means of its innovative actions and social, environmental, scientific, cultural and economic development.

Management Principles

Quality with sustainability.
Innovation and entrepreneurship.
Integration of education, research, and extension.
Social Responsibility and Solidarity Action.
Relationship with Society.


The Marist Brothers arrived in Rio Grande do Sul in 1900 with an educational approach based on respect and hard work, in line with Catholic values and guided by St. Marcellin Champagnat’s vision.

Marist schools have played an important role in shaping the Gaúcho society, resulting in the establishment of the Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul) in 1948, which received the Pontifical title in 1950.

Today, PUCRS is a benchmark in higher education and research in Brazil and around the world: a true Marist university.

Social Development

PUCRS invests in social development in order to broaden existing capabilities and to help build a just, unified and sustainable society, which promotes social inclusion and citizenship.

In line with our Strategic Plan, the Institutional Policy for Social Development establishes guidelines and promotes collaborations in order to contribute to human and social development, taking into account the principles and values of the Marist educational philosophy, ensuring the development of responsible social awareness in the university and society. All projects and actions undertaken by the university are inter- and cross-disciplinary, coordinating teaching, research, extension and management, guided primarily by the notion of involvement in order to promote development.


The PUCRS campus has several areas available for different cultural activities in music, literature, cinema, history, science and foreign cultures. These activities often involve the Science and Technology Museum, the Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, literary collections and historical records donated by famous authors. The PUCRS Institute for Culture is responsible for organizing and promoting courses, events and exhibits, and for defining policies to ensure that the university’s cultural productions are available to society.


Committed to professional and human development, based on Christian spirituality and Marist educational principles, and focused on valuing individuals, PUCRS promotes cooperation, dialogue, inclusion and solidarity.

The university organizes a range of projects to promote dialogue between faith and culture, fostering spirituality through a meaningful community experience of faith. Sacraments of Christian initiation, retreats, meditation, spiritual guidance, training meetings, daily masses and prayers are some of the activities that contribute to a well-rounded education, quality of life and the development of a just and fraternal society.


PUCRS is engaged in environmental conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. Projects are developed focusing on water resources, solid waste, environmental education, optimizing electric energy consumption, among others.

The university also promotes research related to the exploitation of renewable energy sources, always driven by innovation and sustainability, in order to qualify professionals and foster development in the environmental and social areas.


The University of the State of Amazonas (UEA) is a public university, autonomous in its educational policy, whose mission is to promote education, develop scientific knowledge, particularly on the Amazon, together with the ethical values capable of integrating man and society and to improve the quality of human resources in the region in which it operates.

Promote education, build scientific knowledge and foster technological innovation to meet the demands and integrate with society in order to overcome the challenge of developing the Amazon with sustainability.

The UEA’s affirmation over the next five years as a national benchmark institution in higher education, characterized by the social commitment of public institution and management excellence.

Respect, Justice, Freedom, Innovation, Social Responsibility, Citizenship and Valorization of the technical-administrative servers, teachers and collaborators.


The Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), created by Law no. 12,189 / 2010, is an autonomous legal entity, linked to the Ministry of Education, with headquarters and forum in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, State of Paraná.

Its institutional mission is to train human resources capable of contributing to Latin American integration, regional development and cultural, scientific and educational exchange in Latin America, especially in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur).

UNILA’s vocation is the academic exchange and solidarity cooperation with countries that are part of Mercosur and with the other countries of Latin America. The courses offered are in areas of mutual interest to the countries of Latin America, especially Mercosur members, in areas considered strategic for regional development and integration.


The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is among the 10 largest universities in Brazil. Founded on June 25, 1958, it has a constructed area of approximately 300,000 m², divided into 7 campuses distributed in 2 campuses in Natal – Campus Central and Health Campus – and 5 campuses in the interior: Campus of Caicó – CERES; Campus of Currais Novos – CERES; Campus do Cérebro – Institute of Neurosciences; Campus of Macaíba – Agricultural School of Jundiaí and Santa Cruz Campus – Trairi Health Sciences College, in 62 municipalities with university extension actions and in 20 poles in support of distance education, 13 located in Rio Grande do Norte and 7 in other states: Paraíba, Pernambuco and Alagoas.

Institutional mission of UFRN

Educate, produce and disseminate universal knowledge.
Contribute to human development.
Commitment to social justice, democracy and citizenship.

Principles and Objectives of UFRN

Public and free university with collegiate democratic management and administrative and academic decentralization.
Develop teaching activities (undergraduate and graduate), research and extension.
Provide quality intellectual and professional training.
Produce and disseminate universal scientific knowledge that promotes economic and social development.


UPF completes 50 years of history in 2018 and has its actions guided and supported by four pillars: teaching, research, extension and technological innovation. During these five decades, it trained more than 75,000 professionals
UPF’s tradition and the quality of teaching offered make it a reference in higher education in Rio Grande do Sul and in the southern region of Brazil.

This recognition is a result of good evaluations received from both the Ministry of Education (MEC) and bodies that promote unofficial evaluations, such as the newspaper Folha de São Paulo and Editora Abril.

The indicators listed below are the result of the serious and committed work of the entire academic community since 1968.


To produce and disseminate knowledge that promotes the improvement of the quality of life and to train competent citizens, with a critical, ethical and humanist posture, prepared to act as agents of transformation.


To consolidate itself as a regional community, non-state public university, of excellence, through the recognition of its quality, academic values, its social commitment and its innovative and sustainable actions.


– Commitment to regional development;

– Respect for identity, diversity and equity;

– Commitment to academic quality and sustainability;

– Collegial and planned management;

– Inter and multidisciplinarity;

– Indissociability between teaching, research and extension;

– Didactic-scientific autonomy;

– Innovation and responsibility;

– Justice, ethics and citizenship.



Produce, disseminate and share knowledge and technologies aimed at strengthening and consolidating the Unified Health System (SUS) and contributing to the promotion of the health and quality of life of the Brazilian population, to reduce social inequalities and to the dynamics the defense of the right to health and broad citizenship as core values. (Approved at the VI Internal Congress)


To be a public and strategic health institution, recognized by Brazilian society and other countries for its ability to put science, technology, innovation, education and the technological production of services and strategic inputs for the promotion of population health, reduction of social inequalities and inequities, consolidation and strengthening of SUS, elaboration and improvement of public health policies. (Approved at the VI Internal Congress)


The values ​​of Fiocruz, based on the relevance of the performance of the organization to the society, are the foundations of attitudes, behaviors and characteristics that configure the essential doctrine of the organization. Foundation values ​​are:

1 – Institutional commitment with the public and state character.
2 – Science and innovation as the basis of socioeconomic development and health promotion.
3 – Ethics and transparency.
4 – Cooperation and integration.
5 – Ethnic, gender and socio-cultural diversity.
6 – Valorization of workers, students and employees.
7 – Quality and excellence.
8 – Reducing iniquities.
9 – Commitment to the main goals of social transformation of the Brazilian State.
10 – Social and environmental commitment.
11 – Participatory democracy.
12 – Democratization of knowledge.
13 – Education as an emancipatory process.


The Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI, founded on November 23, 1913, under the name of the Electrotechnical and Mechanical Institute of Itajubá – IEMI, was the tenth Engineering School to be installed in Brazil on the personal initiative of lawyer Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago.

Since then, IEMI has excelled in the training of professionals specialized in energy systems, notably in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

The Institute was officially recognized by the Federal Government on January 5, 1917. The course initially lasted for three years and lasted for four years in 1923 and in 1936 was reformulated and assimilated to that of the Rio Polytechnic School January and having the name of the institution changed to Instituto Eletrotécnico de Itajubá – IEI on March 15 of that same year. On January 30, 56, the IEI was federalized.

Its denomination was changed on April 16, 1968 to Federal School of Engineering of Itajubá – EFEI. The competence and renown gained in more areas of action led to the unfolding of its original course in independent courses in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, with special emphasis on the emphasis of Electrotechnics and Full Mechanics. He began his postgraduate courses in 1968 with master’s degrees in Electrical, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, the latter being subsequently discontinued. In response to the evolution of technology and the expansion of the new areas covered by Engineering, UNIFEI expanded its emphasis in 1980, including Production in the Mechanical Engineering course and Electronics in Electric Engineering.

Continuing a policy of expansion capable of offering a broader and diversified service to the national and, above all, regional demand for the training of professionals in the technological area, the institution started with the attempt to become a Specialized University in the Technological area – UNIFEI, academic modality provided for in the new Law of Directives and Basis of National Education – LDB. This goal began to materialize from 1998 with the expansion of undergraduate courses by taking a jump from two to nine courses, through the approval of seven new ones with the proper authorization of the National Education Council (CNE).

Subsequently, two new undergraduate courses were implemented – Physics Bachelor and Physics Degree. The execution of the transformation project at the University was given on April 24, 2002, through the enactment of Law No. 10,435, by the President of the Republic, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

The daring and enterprising spirit of its founder, Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago, made the institution its bases consolidated in the training of professionals who put their hands on the masses, through a permanent posture of inquiry and research. With the same boldness of the founder, the institution assumes its role in the formation, generation and application of technology with eminently social responsibility within a context that has become regional and that is extended to the strong international insertion, through its linked academic projects the socio-economic needs of the globalized world. In addition, UNIFEI has imbued in its mission the training of citizens committed to the generation and dissemination of knowledge that contribute to the effective quality of life of local, regional and national society.


Considered one of the best private universities in Brazil – it was elected six times by the Student Guide, published by Editora Abril, as the best among private individuals in the country – and recognized by the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education as the largest Catholic university of the world, PUC Minas is home to more than 56,000 students in its undergraduate, postgraduate and extension courses. The permanent faculty reaches almost two thousand teachers and the staff are 2,411.

There are eight campuses located in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem, Arcos, Poços de Caldas, Guanhães, Serro and Uberlândia, as well as three units – Barreiro, Praça da Liberdade and São Gabriel. At the undergraduate level, 102 baccalaureate courses are offered, of which two are taught at a distance, 12 undergraduate courses and seven technical courses.

The University’s mission is the human and social development of the academic community based on ethical and solidarity formation, the production and dissemination of knowledge, art and culture. The Tripod Teaching, Research and Extension is articulated in innovative projects and aimed at the transformation of society.

With regard to internationalization, PUC Minas has a strategic policy that involves international development, orientation and promotion in the areas of teaching, research and extension. It has more than 170 agreements with higher education institutions around the world and participates in several networks of international cooperation in the area of ​​education

Understanding the need to overcome the barriers of time and space has led the University to invest heavily in advanced technologies, expanding access to higher education to thousands of students. If in 2003 there were only 288 students enrolled in five subjects offered at a distance, in 2016 that number jumped to more than 5 thousand registrations. Besides graduation, PUC Minas Virtual offers continuous training in specialization or professional updating courses.

The postgraduate program also has great advances and has 18 stricto sensu programs – masters and doctorates – in different areas. At the lato sensu postgraduate course, 363 courses bring together 10,743 students and in the stricto sensu there are 30 courses, of which 12 are doctoral students, with 1,571 students. In the triennial evaluation of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), of the Ministry of Education (MEC), in 2013, the university’s stricto sensu graduate programs obtained notes that reveal the excellence of PUC Minas. Among the programs, the Postgraduate Program in Law stood out, which obtained a grade 6, on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, reaching a level of excellence and international recognition.

In the area of ​​research, students, since graduation, have access to scientific initiation projects in various modalities. The extension projects of PUC Minas reach not only residents of the cities where the campuses and units are located, but of several regions of Minas Gerais and even of other states of the Country.


The success of the Maria Milza Educational Center led to the creation, on March 18, 2004, of the Maria Milza Faculty, with three undergraduate courses: nursing, normal higher education (pedagogy) and geography.

Today, FAMAM has undergraduate, postgraduate, masters, over 1500 students and a team of 250 employees, including professors and administrative technicians. Located on Highway BR-101 – Km 215 in the municipality of Governador Mangabeira, Bahia. With a new Campus, in an area of 200 thousand m², one of the most modern in the interior of the state, with large classrooms, computer lab and research, secretarial, administrative, student service, reprography, library, cafeteria, rooms of teachers and coordinators. In addition, we have a large cultural space, located in the municipality of Cruz das Almas, with three swimming pools, poly-sports court and leisure room.

FAMAM is guided by guiding principles such as equality, quality, democratic management, freedom and valorization of the teaching profession. Based on this institutional mission and in view of the aforementioned principles, the institutional references were constructed: the ethical-political, epistemological-educational and technical referential.

These benchmarks are fundamental to consolidate social, political and economic responsibility. FAMAM is part of a region with low human development – HDI, which needs urgent action to change its secular social reality.

There are many problems that the Bahian recôncavo still presents today in the field of education and skilled labor. Thus, we will be guided by an interrelationship of knowledges whose purpose is to try to minimize the problems that are still a hindrance to regional progress. In this way, in fulfilling this mission, we will be interfering or implying in the economic, cultural, social and political future of the region