The Federal University of Bahia – created by the Royal Charter of the Medical-Surgical College of Bahia, signed by Prince Regent D. João, on February 18, 1808; established by Decree-Law no. 9,155, April 8, 1946; restructured by Decree no. 62,241, of February 8, 1968 – is an autarchy with didactic-scientific, administrative, patrimonial and financial autonomy, in accordance with the law and this Statute.

The institutional objectives of the University are:
I – to educate for social and environmental responsibility, contributing to human development with ethics, sustainability and justice;
II – to generate and propagate knowledge, knowledge and practices in the sciences, arts, cultures and technologies;
III – provide training, continuing education and qualification in the different areas of knowledge and performance, aiming at the exercise of professional activities and participation in the development of society;
IV – to exercise academic excellence through the development of the sciences, arts and humanities, fostering critical-reflexive thinking in the various fields of knowledge and practice; V – to promote university extension, aiming at the diffusion of advances, achievements and benefits resulting from the cultural and artistic creation and the scientific and technological research generated in the Institution;
VI – contribute to the process of local, regional, national and global development, carrying out a systematic study of their problems and forming scientific, artistic and technical frameworks according to their needs.
VII – promote equity in society, combating all forms of intolerance and discrimination arising from social, racial, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual orientation differences;
VIII – promote peace, solidarity and rapprochement between nations, peoples and cultures, through international cooperation and scientific, artistic and technological exchange, with a special focus on Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin American countries;
IX – to keep the University open to the participation of the population, promoting a wide and diversified exchange with institutions, organizations and movements of society;
X – implement and cultivate ethical principles in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, programs and initiatives that realize their end-activities


UNIFACS – Salvador University, is member of the international network of universities Laureate, a global leader in the higher education segment, and one of the largest universities in Bahia. The institution was founded in 1972 under the name of School of Business Administration of Bahia and later in 1980 became Faculdade Salvador – FACS. In 1997, it was accredited as a University with a maximum concept by the Ministry of Education.

UNIFACS offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in face-to-face and distance education, as well as postgraduate courses (specializations and MBA’s) and stricto sensu (masters and doctorates), as well as research and extension activities that contribute to the development of our state. Currently, the University has nine campuses in Salvador and Feira de Santana, as well as distance education centers.

In June 2010, UNIFACS joined the Laureate International Universities Network, the largest private network of higher education in the world, made up of more than 70 educational institutions and brings together in its academic community more than 1 million students in 25 countries in the Americas , Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

UNIFACS is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Bahia and is recognized in the community mainly for its tradition, academic quality, regional vocation, training with emphasis in the technological areas and the promotion of entrepreneurship.


Generate and transfer knowledge and, through continuous, innovative and excellence education, train people who contribute to regional development.


The University teams collaborate and work together to implement best practices.

It’s a multicultural and inclusive organization, it values each other’s differences and respect different points of view and cultures.

They constantly seek new information and opinions to improve their performance.

The University credibility is generated by the actions of each collaborator and teacher.

They explore ways to improve learning without frontiers and revolutionize the traditional education model.

Responsibility for the results of our students is the basis of their revolution in education and the greatest difference between them and the traditional model of universities.

They are always exploring new approaches, technologies and business models, as well as new ways of thinking.

They have a strong bond with the community and become responsible for the development of the future workforce and a sustainable local economy.

Social and Environmental Responsibility
They are committed to accessibility and environmental education.


THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MARIA, located in the city of Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, created by Law no. 3,834-C, of December 14, 1960, is a federal institution of higher education, constituted as an educational autarchy of special regime and linked to the Ministry of Education.

The Federal University of Santa Maria aims to: I – promote, in an indivisible way, teaching, research and extension; II – to foster technological, scientific, philosophical, literary, artistic and sports development; III- train professionals and specialists of higher level; IV – to train professionals of basic education of medium and professional level in the diverse levels and modalities linked to the national development; and V – prepare qualified human resources through postgraduate courses.

The Federal University of Santa Maria has as objectives: I – FUNDAMENTAL: a) to promote integral education; b) to develop education for the training and improvement of high-level professionals, technicians and researchers; c) stimulate pure or applied research; d) encourage cultural creation and development of the scientific spirit and reflective thinking; e) develop vocational education at various levels: basic, technical and technological; f) to promote the extension, open to the participation of the population, aiming at the diffusion of the achievements and the benefits resulting from the cultural creation and the scientific and technological research generated in the Institution; g) disseminate the cultural, scientific and technical knowledge that constitute the patrimony of humanity; and h) transmit knowledge through teaching, publications and / or other forms of communication. II – SPECIAL: a) encourage the study of problems related to the progress of its geoeconomic region, the State and the Country; b) to collaborate with the public power in the solution of the national problems, aiming at the development of the Country;c) contribute to the strengthening of universal peace and solidarity; and (d) stimulate awareness of the problems of the present world, in particular national and regional problems; and e) provide specialized services to the community, establishing a reciprocal relationship with the community.


The Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) was installed on April 21, 1987 as the Foundation of Higher Education of São João del-Rei (FUNREI). In the year of 2002 it was transformed into University.

Today the UFSJ is present in 5 municipalities.

The Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) was instituted by Law 7,555 of December 18, 1986, as a Foundation for Higher Education in São João del Rei (Funrei), resulting from the meeting and federalization of two institutions: the Don Bosco College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, whose activities began in 1954, maintained by the Province of St. John Bosco; and the Municipal Foundation of São João del Rei, maintainer of the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences (Faceac) and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Faein), whose activities began in 1972 and 1976 respectively.

On April 19, 2002, Funrei was transformed into a university by Law 10,425, adopting the acronym UFSJ, elected by the academic community. The UFSJ is a public legal entity, financed by the Public Power, linked to the Ministry of Education, which has its headquarters and forum in the city of São João del Rei, and has educational units in Divinópolis, Alto Paraopeba and Sete Lagoas, all in the State of Minas Gerais. As a federal institution of higher public education, the UFSJ ensures the autonomy of scientific, didactic, administrative, disciplinary and financial and patrimonial management.

The Federal University of São João del-Rei is governed by the following principles: I. ethics; II. Democratic management; III. public education, under the responsibility of the Union; IV. freedom and excellence in teaching, research and extension, as well as the dissemination and critical socialization of knowledge without discrimination of any kind; V. pluralism of ideas and pedagogical conceptions; SAW. universality and interdisciplinarity of knowledge; VII. indissociability between teaching, research and extension; VIII. respect for the dignity of the human person and their rights; IX. exercise of justice and well-being of the human being; X. transparency in institutional actions; XI. valuation of education professionals; XII. cultural, scientific, artistic, technological, social and economic development of the region, state and country; XIII. commitment to solidarity among peoples, the defense of human rights and the preservation of the environment.

The objectives of the UFSJ are: I. to stimulate the development of scientific spirit and critical reflection; II. encourage scientific and technological research and cultural production; III. promote widespread dissemination of cultural, scientific and technical knowledge, both those that constitute the patrimony of humanity, and those produced by the Federal University of São João del-Rei; IV. encourage continuous scientific, cultural and professional improvement. Art. 6o In order to achieve its objectives, the UFSJ proposes to: I. train and collaborate in the continuous training of graduates, in the different areas of knowledge, in order to become fit for insertion in the world of work and for participation in development of Brazilian society; II. to study the problems of the contemporary world, in particular the national and regional ones, in order to contribute to the search for solutions to them; III. establish with the community a relationship of reciprocity, through which the University can make available to it, through courses and specialized services, the technique, culture and results of the researches to be carried out; IV. expand and strengthen the University’s links with institutions of Basic Education, especially public ones; V. to broaden and strengthen the University’s network of information and communication technologies and facilitate access to it by the internal and external community, in accordance with the law; SAW. improve the culture of evaluation and accountability of its activities to the internal and external community.


The University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and linked to the Secretariat of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (SDECTI). The talent and dedication of faculty, students and staff have been recognized by different world rankings, created to measure the quality of universities based on several criteria, especially those related to scientific productivity.


The Federal University of Paraná is the oldest university in Brazil and symbol of Curitiba. Wrapped in a history of struggles and achievements since 1912, UFPR is a reference in higher education for the State and for Brazil.

A major symbol of the Paraná intellectuality, the University demonstrates its importance and excellence through undergraduate, specialization, masters and doctorate courses, which are guided by the principle of inseparability between Teaching, Research and Extension. The social function of the university is valued precisely through this tripod, since all teaching, research and extension activity must return to this community, in the form of knowledge, technology and culture, the public resources that allow it to exist as a Federal Institution of Higher Education.

In addition to the campuses in Curitiba, UFPR is present in the interior and coast of the state, playing an active role in the socio-economic development and quality of life of the state of Paraná, through access to higher education and activities carried out by the academic community of the society of Paraná and Brazil.


Promote, build and disseminate knowledge, contributing to the formation of citizens and sustainable human development.

Public university, free, quality and socially committed.
Indissociability between Teaching, Research and Extension
Freedom in construction and autonomy in the dissemination of knowledge.
Respect for all instances of organized society.

Commitment to the construction of knowledge and training of competent and socially committed professionals.
Pluralist environment, where public debate is an instrument of democratic coexistence.
Preservation and dissemination of Brazilian culture.
Proposition of public policies.
Commitment of the university community to the Institution.
Participatory, dynamic and transparent management committed to better working conditions and quality of life.
Efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness in the development of institutional activities.
Isonomy in the treatment given to the Institution’s Units.
Respect to the institutional criteria used in the internal allocation of resources.
Culture of planning and continuous assessment of university life.


The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), placed in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, was founded on December 18, 1960, with the objective of promoting teaching, research and extension. Its community consists of about 60 thousand people, including teachers, administrative technicians in education and undergraduate, postgraduate, high school, fundamental and basic students. There are more than 5,600 teachers (2,452) and technicians (3,189) who work in administrative and academic activities.

It is a free public university and has campuses in four other municipalities: Araranguá, Curitibanos, Joinville and Blumenau. The campuses were instituted with resources from the Program to Support Restructuring and Expansion Plans of the Federal Universities (Reuni), of the Ministry of Education (MEC), in a process of internalization of the University to other regions in Santa Catarina.

Its commitment to excellence and solidarity makes it reach high levels of qualification, participating in the construction of a more just and democratic society. In the World University Ranking 2018 of Times Higher Education, British consultancy in the area of higher education, UFSC is the only one in the state to appear in the ranking and appears as the 16th Brazilian in the list.

The University University Ranking (RUF), edition 2017, which evaluated 195 institutions in the country, UFSC stands out as the 6th best university in the country. Among the federations in Brazil, UFSC is the 4th place, and the 2nd best university in the Southern Region.

Since the 1980s, the institution has invested intensively in the expansion of postgraduate and research, in addition to supporting the creation of technological centers in the state of Santa Catarina and developing a series of extension projects aimed at society.

UFSC has more than 30 thousand students enrolled in 108 undergraduate courses and 14 distance education courses. As for post-graduation, UFSC offers more than 7 thousand places for stricto sensu courses: there are 63 academic masters, 15 professional masters and 55 doctoral courses. In the 12 courses of specialization are about 3 thousand students, 2891 in distance and 179 in courses lato sensu presencial. In the last evaluation of the National Postgraduate System, carried out by the Coordination of Higher Level Personnel (Capes), were rated 6 and 7 – the highest – 17 of the 56 programs evaluated and 62.5% of them obtained an equal or greater than 5.

The Campus Florianópolis is located at the Application College (CA), which offers basic and secondary education to the community and the Child Development Center (NDI), which serves more than 200 children up to 5 years and 11 months old.

UFSC has about 600 research groups certified in the Directory of Research Groups (DGP) of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), bringing together professors, technicians and students.

In addition to the expansion in the country itself, UFSC has been internationalized through cooperation with educational institutions around the world. There are currently around 300 agreements with more than 40 countries on all continents.

Knowledge producing citizenship

The UFSC has a trajectory of 57 years, dedicated to the formation of the human being. With its foundations in the indissociability between teaching, research and extension, it constantly widens and deepens its action from basic education to post-graduation. The social recognition it receives places it among the best universities in the country and in Latin America – a result of the commitment and dedication of its students, faculty and technical-administrative staff. The UFSC increasingly affirms itself as a social institution of higher education, completely committed to building a just and democratic society.


Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) is one of the largest and most important Brazilian universities, with outstanding performance in teaching, research and the extension of services to the community.

Maintained by the Government of the State of São Paulo, it is one of the three free public universities, alongside USP (University of São Paulo) and Unicamp (State University of Campinas).

Created in 1976, from institutes of higher education that existed in several regions of the State of São Paulo, Unesp has 34 units in 24 cities, of which 22 are in the Interior; one in the State Capital, São Paulo; and one in the São Paulo Coast, in São Vicente.


UFG is a public federal institution of higher education level of teaching and research
UFG was founded on December 14, 1960
The implementation of several projects in different areas of knowledge have promoted the growth of the university that became a regional and national reference in 2010, when commemorating its 50th anniversary.

UFG at Catalão
(Catalão Campus)

2) UFG at Cidade de Goiás
(Goiás Campus)

3) UFG at Goiânia:
Colemar Natal de Silva Campus
Samambaia Campus
Aparecida de Goiânia Campus

4) UFG at Jataí:
Riachuelo Campus
Jatobá Campus
Undergraduate Programs

152 undergraduate Programs

28,600 undergraduate students

2,518 teaching staff

2,467 administrative staff

Fields of study:
Applied Social Sciences
Linguistics, Arts and Letters
Exact and Earth Sciences
Biological Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Health Sciences
Graduate Programs:

75 Graduate Programs including:
38 Doctoral degrees
69 Master degrees

4,294 graduate students