The Federal University of Bahia – created by the Royal Charter of the Medical-Surgical College of Bahia, signed by Prince Regent D. João, on February 18, 1808; established by Decree-Law no. 9,155, April 8, 1946; restructured by Decree no. 62,241, of February 8, 1968 – is an autarchy with didactic-scientific, administrative, patrimonial and financial autonomy, in accordance with the law and this Statute.
The institutional objectives of the University are:
I – to educate for social and environmental responsibility, contributing to human development with ethics, sustainability and justice;
II – to generate and propagate knowledge, knowledge and practices in the sciences, arts, cultures and technologies;
III – provide training, continuing education and qualification in the different areas of knowledge and performance, aiming at the exercise of professional activities and participation in the development of society;
IV – to exercise academic excellence through the development of the sciences, arts and humanities, fostering critical-reflexive thinking in the various fields of knowledge and practice; V – to promote university extension, aiming at the diffusion of advances, achievements and benefits resulting from the cultural and artistic creation and the scientific and technological research generated in the Institution;
VI – contribute to the process of local, regional, national and global development, carrying out a systematic study of their problems and forming scientific, artistic and technical frameworks according to their needs.
VII – promote equity in society, combating all forms of intolerance and discrimination arising from social, racial, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual orientation differences;
VIII – promote peace, solidarity and rapprochement between nations, peoples and cultures, through international cooperation and scientific, artistic and technological exchange, with a special focus on Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin American countries;
IX – to keep the University open to the participation of the population, promoting a wide and diversified exchange with institutions, organizations and movements of society;
X – implement and cultivate ethical principles in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, programs and initiatives that realize their end-activities