The FUMEC University, in fulfillment of its functions of teaching, research and extension and based on the principles and aims of national education, has as its mission:

to form citizens aware of their social responsibility, bearers of values ​​of justice and ethics, in the different areas of knowledge, suitable for insertion in the various professional sectors and for participation in the development of Brazilian society.

Stimulate cultural creation and development of the scientific spirit and reflective thinking;
train professionals in their areas of activity, able to enter the labor market and participate in the development of Brazilian society, and collaborate in their ongoing training;
encourage the work of scientific research and research, aiming at the development of science and technology and the creation and diffusion of culture and thereby develop understanding of man and the environment in which he lives;
to promote the dissemination of cultural, scientific and technical knowledge that constitute the patrimony of humanity and to communicate knowledge through teaching, publications and other forms of communication;
to arouse the permanent desire for cultural and professional improvement and to enable its corresponding concretization, integrating the knowledge that is being acquired in an intellectual structure systematizing the knowledge of the several generations;
to stimulate knowledge of world problems, alongside national and regional problems;
provide services to the population and establish a relationship of reciprocity with it;
promote extension, open to community participation, aiming at the dissemination of achievements and benefits resulting from cultural creation and scientific and technological research generated in the Institution.


CEFET-MG offers to its student a complete academic formation, from the technician of average level to the doctorate. Within the Institution, students of all levels integrate research groups, share knowledge and are guided by a capable and active teaching staff in all levels of education. The acknowledgment of this commitment of the CEFET-MG is seen in the size of the investment of the Federal Government and the State Government in scholarships for our researchers.

Professional and Technological Education

Professional and technical education has changed throughout the history of the institution, in constant dialogue with reality. From the first classes focused on the almost artisanal training in the School of Apprentice Crafts, our courses followed the growing national industrialization, and today they cover service sectors, new technologies and social concerns. The technicians certified by CEFET-MG present a solid scientific and technological formation, as well as experiencing an environment that allows them to contact the new frontiers of development and a critical vision of the society in which they are inserted and in which they will act. Blending tradition and innovation, CEFET-MG’s technical courses help our students in their training for the world of work and the multiple possibilities and demands that contemporary society places on us.

Undergraduate courses

The consolidation of CEFET-MG as an institution of higher education was the result of an institutional policy that consolidated several areas of knowledge, an intense program of training of the faculty and the constitution of new research groups. Currently, CEFET-MG offers 16 undergraduate courses, with about 4000 students.
The professionals graduated by CEFET-MG are able to respond to the challenges of the labor market, ready to propose new solutions and assume the responsibilities of large projects in their area of ​​operation.

Graduate program

CEFET-MG, in the 1980s, agreed with the Loughborough University of Technology a Technical Cooperation Agreement, with the support of CAPES and the British Council, to enable a master’s degree program to deepen the training of faculty and, in this way , CEFET-MG could offer other undergraduate courses besides Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The result of the project was the Master’s Program in Technology which, as early as 1991, had its own faculty and laboratory infrastructure.
By 2013, CEFET-MG already offered seven master’s programs as well as a doctoral program.


The first research groups of CEFET-MG appeared in the 1990s. They were responsible for the registration with the CNPq and the beginning of the Master Programs began. In 2012, CEFET-MG already counted 76 active research groups, thanks to the institutional policy that generated support and encouraged the formation of new sets of researchers. The result of this work is the increase in the number of masters and doctors in the Institution.
An important aspect of research groups is the gathering of students from all levels of education, that is, technical education students work together with undergraduates, masters and doctoral candidates. As a result, CEFET-MG has the largest Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program in the country, with 180 annual grants. The consequence of this work is a student with a high level of knowledge and specialization, and international recognition.


Started in 1993, when the Center for Higher Education of Brasília – CESB was founded with the objective of developing teaching, research and extension activities at a higher level. Four years later, the MEC authorizes the operation of the first undergraduate courses, which functioned in a building rented in 902 South. Two years later, the IESB partners with ESDEVA, building three new buildings in 609 North. In 2003, the Edson Machado Campus was opened in Asa Sul.

With a dynamic and innovative approach, the IESB stands out among educational institutions by combining theory and practice as a fundamental prerequisite for quality training. With unique infrastructure and aesthetics differentiated, IESB consolidates its reputation in ally technology, modernity and daring in the training of professionals contested by the labor market in traditional and creative areas, hitherto little explored in Brasilia.

As important as the training of competent professionals, the IESB establishes as one of its bases, the formation of citizens aware of their role in the world. Issues of social responsibility and emerging social issues are intrinsic elements of the work of the institution and the training of students. Volunteer work such as the Varjão Project, in addition to others, stand out in the community and confirm the importance of the IESB as a center for citizenship.

In 2010, Ceilândia Campus was born, in the city of the same name, which is created to serve the regions of Ceilândia itself, Taguatinga, Águas Claras and other satellite cities.

In 2011, the IESB is recognized by the Ministry of Education as a University Center. In 2013, it joins Pronatec, a program of the Ministry of Education to stimulate technical training. In 2014, it is accredited for the offer of undergraduate and postgraduate distance. From 2001 until today, the IESB has already trained more than 25 thousand students. Today we have more than 15 thousand students enrolled.

In the Campus Norte – Giovanina Rímoli, courses in Law, International Relations, Administration, Management and Physical Education are offered, in addition to Postgraduate courses. They all have experienced and highly trained teachers.

Courses related to Creative Economy such as Architecture, Communication, Design (Graphic, Fashion, Interior), Gastronomy, Aesthetics & Cosmetics, Theater, Cinema and Photography are offered at the South Campus – Edson Machado, which also offers courses in Engineering.

In Campus Ceilândia – Liliane Barbosa are offered, in addition to traditional courses, others aimed at the rapid insertion of students in the job market.



To train citizens through the production and socialization of knowledge, contributing to the educational and socio-cultural development of the Northeast Region, particularly the State of Paraíba, in line with the State Sustainable Development Plan.


To be a qualified center of Teaching, Research and Extension, through actions that contribute to the formation of technically qualified, critical and socially committed citizens.


Identity, autonomy, unity, diversity, quality and participation are the principles of institutional sustainability of UEPB.


Due to its public character, UEPB should, through teaching, research and extension, produce a knowledge committed to tackling social exclusion;

UEPB’s undergraduate education should contribute to the formation of a critical and socially committed citizen – a multiple being – jointly and severally integrated with society, with social responsibility, ethical behavior and basic professional skills;

The specialization courses (lato sensu postgraduate) are aimed at teaching centered on professional improvement and technical specificity, focusing on the verticalization of technical-vocational training and on-going training;

The stricto sensu postgraduate courses should contribute to the training of the researcher and qualify for the exercise of higher education, prioritizing lines of research contextualized with the regional and state reality;

The scientific research in the Institution, optimized by expanding the interface between undergraduate and postgraduate students, should prioritize the areas of knowledge and the respective research lines of the stricto sensu postgraduate courses;

The university extension, through institutional programs articulated with teaching and / or research, should constitute the essential instrument for the insertion of the UEPB in the social environment, expanding the actions in tune with the community.


The University

Unicamp accounts for 8% of academic research in Brazil, 12% of national post-graduation and maintains the leadership among Brazilian universities regarding patents and the number of articles per capita published annually in journals indexed in the ISI database / WoS. The University has approximately 34,000 students enrolled in 66 undergraduate courses and 153 postgraduate programs.

The annual average of theses and dissertations defended is 2.1 thousand and 99% of its professors hold a doctorate degree. Unicamp is currently the most productive Brazilian university in Brazil. This research and teaching battalion leads the national per capita ranking of scientific publications in international journals cataloged. If academic production is calculated by the performance of each researcher, Unicamp is currently the most productive Brazilian university.

Every year, about 800 doctors are trained, a brand capable of arousing admiration even in leaders of some American and European universities. And in five decades, Unicamp has trained more than 65 thousand young professionals in their undergraduate courses. In addition, thousands of university graduates work in companies, government and social organizations, contributing to the economic and social development of the country. As a scientific and cultural hub, the University has brought together great names in academia. Among them, Cesar Lattes, André Tosello, Gleb Wataghin, Vital Brasil, Giuseppe Cilento, Octávio Ianni, Almeida Prado and Bernardo Caro, among many others.

Located in the State of São Paulo, Unicamp has three campuses – in Campinas, Piracicaba and Limeira – and comprises 24 teaching and research units. It also has a vast health complex (with two large hospitals on Campinas campus), as well as 23 centers and interdisciplinary centers, two technical colleges and a series of support units in a universe where 50,000 people live and thousands of research projects.

Unicamp is an autarchy, autonomous in educational policy, but subordinated to the State Government with regard to subsidies for its operation. Thus, financial resources are obtained mainly from the Government of the State of São Paulo and from national and international development institutions.

The campus has the name of its founder, Zeferino Vaz, who was the one who idealized it. The University City "Zeferino Vaz" is located in the district of Barão Geraldo, northwest region of Campinas. It is 12km from the city center.

Unicamp was officially founded on October 5, 1966, the day of the launch of its foundation stone. Even in a recent university context, Unicamp can be considered a young institution that has already achieved a strong tradition in teaching, research and relations with society.

The Unicamp installation project responded to the growing demand for qualified personnel in a region of the country that already had 40% of Brazil’s industrial capacity and 24% of its economically active population.

A characteristic of Unicamp was to have escaped the Brazilian tradition of creating universities by the simple accumulation of courses and units. Unlike most institutions, it was built on an idea that encompassed the whole of its current set. Suffice it to say that, even before it was installed, Unicamp had already attracted more than 200 foreign professors from the different areas of knowledge and about 180 from the best Brazilian universities.


The Fluminense Federal University was created in 1960 as the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UFERJ). It originated from the incorporation of the Federal Schools of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Law (1912), Medicine (1926) and Veterinary Medicine (1936); (1944), Social Service (1945), Engineering (1952), and other two, private, Economic Sciences (1942) and Philosophy (1947). After being federalized and incorporated, this union was renamed Universidade Federal Fluminense. UFF’s mission is to produce, disseminate and apply knowledge and culture in a critical and socially referenced way.
          The rectory building is located at Rua Miguel de Frias 9, in the municipality of Niterói – RJ, and several UFF units are located in this city: 3 campuses (Valonguinho, Gragoatá and Praia Vermelha) and many isolated units located in several neighborhoods – Centro, São Domingos, Ingá, Santa Rosa, Vital Brasil – and incorporated into the routine of the residents.
          The Institution has academic units in eight municipalities in the interior of the State of Rio de Janeiro – Angra dos Reis (Angra dos Reis Education Institute); Campos dos Goytacazes (Institute of Society Sciences and Regional Development); Macaé (Institute of Society Sciences); Nova Friburgo (Institute of Health of Nova Friburgo – ISNF); Petrópolis (School of Engineering of Petrópolis); Rio das Ostras (Institute of Science and Technology); Santo Antônio de Pádua (Institute of the Northwest Fluminense of Higher Education – INFES), and Volta Redonda, where the Institute of Human Sciences of Volta Redonda, the School of Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering (EEIMVR) and the Institute of Exact Sciences ( ICEx).
          Today, UFF is made up of 41 Teaching Units, 24 Institutes, 10 Colleges, 6 Schools and 1 College of Application. There are 124 teaching departments, 129 in-service undergraduate courses and 6 distance-learning courses offered in 28 poles of the Open University of Brazil, in partnership with CEDERJ-RJ. At Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation there are 81 Postgraduate programs and 120 courses, of which 42 are PhDs, 62 are MSc and 16 are Professional Masters. The Post-Graduation Lato Sensu presents 131 specialization courses and 45 Residency Programs.


The Federal University of Ceará is an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Education. It was born as a result of a broad movement of public opinion. It was created by Law No. 2373, on December 16, 1954, and installed on June 25 of the following year.

At the beginning, under the direction of its founder, Prof. Antônio Martins Filho, consisted of the School of Agronomy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy and Dentistry.

Headquartered in Fortaleza, State Capital, the UFC is an arm of the Ceará Higher Education system and its activity is based on the entire territory of Ceará, in order to meet the different scales of demands of society.

The University is composed of seven campuses, called Campus do Benfica, Campus do Pici and Campus do Porangabuçu, all located in the city of Fortaleza (UFC headquarters), as well as the Campus of Sobral, Campus de Quixadá, Campus de Crateús and Campus de Russas .

The Federal University of Ceará, which has been committed to serve the region for more than 50 years, without forgetting the universal character of its production, arrives today with practically all the areas of knowledge represented in its campuses.

The Federal University of Ceará directs its action permanently towards the following objectives:

To promote the human and professional formation of its students, preparing them for a responsible and constructive action in the society;
Foster the generation of knowledge aimed at the sustainable development of Ceará and the Northeast;
To promote the development, production and preservation of culture and the arts, with an emphasis on regional manifestations;
Promote interaction with society, through scientific, technological, artistic and cultural diffusion and community development, attuned to social demands;
Encourage the permanent training of the teaching and technical-administrative staff;
Intensify and broaden partnership and exchange relationships with national and foreign governmental and non-governmental institutions;
To seek professionalization of administrative management, based on planning and evaluation processes, executed on the basis of a flexible, efficient and effective organizational model;
To permanently exercise the institute of university autonomy overcoming restrictions and setting new parameters in management and institutional relations;
Ensure quality in the development of all administrative and academic actions;
To distinguish itself as a regional reference for the academic excellence of its actions in the areas of education, generation of knowledge and provision of services to the population, as well as in the production of art and culture.


Born in 1940, in the city of Mogi das Cruzes, Braz Cubas, which began its activities with a short preparatory course, now has about 20,000 students, ranging from face-to-face and distance education.

During the 75 years in the market, the institution underwent several transformations, including, including, courses of gymnasium, average level, commerce, until it arrived at Faculty of Law, in 1965.

Higher education, stimulated by education policy, grew throughout the country and Braz Cubas, taking into account the demands and needs of the market, continued to grow both in physical and social space until in 1985 the Federal Council of Education recognized the then Federation of Faculties Braz Cubas as University.

The important news came to value the region of Mogi das Cruzes and reward a long career of good services provided to Brazilian education, training professionals competent and trained in the labor market.

To value the people, awakening talents through a different learning to develop the human being for tomorrow.

To be recognized as a learning institution focused on learning.

Citizenship, humanization, wisdom, humility and transparency.


The Federal University of Paraná is the oldest university in Brazil and symbol of Curitiba. Wrapped in a history of struggles and achievements since 1912, UFPR is a reference in higher education for the State and for Brazil.

A major symbol of the Paraná intellectuality, the University demonstrates its importance and excellence through undergraduate, specialization, masters and doctorate courses, which are guided by the principle of inseparability between Teaching, Research and Extension. The social function of the university is valued precisely through this tripod, since all teaching, research and extension activity must return to this community, in the form of knowledge, technology and culture, the public resources that allow it to exist as a Federal Institution of Higher Education.

In addition to the campuses in Curitiba, UFPR is present in the interior and coast of the state, playing an active role in the socio-economic development and quality of life of the state of Paraná, through access to higher education and activities carried out by the academic community of the society of Paraná and Brazil.


Promote, build and disseminate knowledge, contributing to the formation of citizens and sustainable human development.

Public university, free, quality and socially committed.
Indissociability between Teaching, Research and Extension
Freedom in construction and autonomy in the dissemination of knowledge.
Respect for all instances of organized society.

Commitment to the construction of knowledge and training of competent and socially committed professionals.
Pluralist environment, where public debate is an instrument of democratic coexistence.
Preservation and dissemination of Brazilian culture.
Proposition of public policies.
Commitment of the university community to the Institution.
Participatory, dynamic and transparent management committed to better working conditions and quality of life.
Efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness in the development of institutional activities.
Isonomy in the treatment given to the Institution’s Units.
Respect to the institutional criteria used in the internal allocation of resources.
Culture of planning and continuous assessment of university life.


The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), placed in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, was founded on December 18, 1960, with the objective of promoting teaching, research and extension. Its community consists of about 60 thousand people, including teachers, administrative technicians in education and undergraduate, postgraduate, high school, fundamental and basic students. There are more than 5,600 teachers (2,452) and technicians (3,189) who work in administrative and academic activities.

It is a free public university and has campuses in four other municipalities: Araranguá, Curitibanos, Joinville and Blumenau. The campuses were instituted with resources from the Program to Support Restructuring and Expansion Plans of the Federal Universities (Reuni), of the Ministry of Education (MEC), in a process of internalization of the University to other regions in Santa Catarina.

Its commitment to excellence and solidarity makes it reach high levels of qualification, participating in the construction of a more just and democratic society. In the World University Ranking 2018 of Times Higher Education, British consultancy in the area of higher education, UFSC is the only one in the state to appear in the ranking and appears as the 16th Brazilian in the list.

The University University Ranking (RUF), edition 2017, which evaluated 195 institutions in the country, UFSC stands out as the 6th best university in the country. Among the federations in Brazil, UFSC is the 4th place, and the 2nd best university in the Southern Region.

Since the 1980s, the institution has invested intensively in the expansion of postgraduate and research, in addition to supporting the creation of technological centers in the state of Santa Catarina and developing a series of extension projects aimed at society.

UFSC has more than 30 thousand students enrolled in 108 undergraduate courses and 14 distance education courses. As for post-graduation, UFSC offers more than 7 thousand places for stricto sensu courses: there are 63 academic masters, 15 professional masters and 55 doctoral courses. In the 12 courses of specialization are about 3 thousand students, 2891 in distance and 179 in courses lato sensu presencial. In the last evaluation of the National Postgraduate System, carried out by the Coordination of Higher Level Personnel (Capes), were rated 6 and 7 – the highest – 17 of the 56 programs evaluated and 62.5% of them obtained an equal or greater than 5.

The Campus Florianópolis is located at the Application College (CA), which offers basic and secondary education to the community and the Child Development Center (NDI), which serves more than 200 children up to 5 years and 11 months old.

UFSC has about 600 research groups certified in the Directory of Research Groups (DGP) of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), bringing together professors, technicians and students.

In addition to the expansion in the country itself, UFSC has been internationalized through cooperation with educational institutions around the world. There are currently around 300 agreements with more than 40 countries on all continents.

Knowledge producing citizenship

The UFSC has a trajectory of 57 years, dedicated to the formation of the human being. With its foundations in the indissociability between teaching, research and extension, it constantly widens and deepens its action from basic education to post-graduation. The social recognition it receives places it among the best universities in the country and in Latin America – a result of the commitment and dedication of its students, faculty and technical-administrative staff. The UFSC increasingly affirms itself as a social institution of higher education, completely committed to building a just and democratic society.