Our university is one of the oldest universities in our country. Thanks to the traditions it combines academism, openness and innovations.

The university has gained a good reputation and has become a leader in the field of teacher training for 100 years of its glorious and rich history. Outstanding scientists and teachers, famous scientific schools and centres, a high standard of professional and interpersonal ethics, the continuity of traditions and the possibility to transfer rich pedagogical and life experience to the younger generations – all this is BSPU nowadays.

Our University is always ready to share experience and to adopt innovation, that’s why we are open to fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation on the field of education.

BSPU is a member of the Euroasian universities association. This fact shows that the professional training is maintained on a very high level and it confirms that our university can integrate into the international community.

Our teachers and professors apply a creative and an innovative approach to their work, they try to develop individual abilities of every student. Our main aim is to train a specialist of a new formation, an active, an open-minded and a self-confident person.

We do our best to give our students an education which can meet the best standards. At the university a classical approach that combines fundamentality, practice and the pedagogical focus is applied. We take into consideration the current global trends in higher education in order to choose a development model with the students as the future intellectual elite of Belarus in its centre. We are proud of the past and the present of our university, we cherish its honour and reputation.


The Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) is one of the leading technical universities of Belarus and the CIS. The BNTU has been training engineers since 1920. The BNTU today:
• comprises 17 faculties offering high-quality training in 89 specialities and 121 specializations;
• trains over 35 000 students in advanced BA, MA, PhD, and post-doctoral programs;
• numbers over 2000 highly qualified lecturers and scientists involved in teaching and research;
• has 41 research laboratories creating innovations, transferring technologies, and cooperating with production;
• runs 3 institutes offering refresher courses in the newest areas of technology and economics.
Besides, the BNTU provides various facilities for the students’ personal growth and recreation: sports grounds, cultural centers, libraries, student clubs, etc.
The BNTU meets the challenges of the 21st century combining classical university traditions with modern approaches and technologies. According to Webometrics, the BNTU ranks among 9% of the world’s best universities.

Main strategic (long-term) directions of the BNTU activity:
• Introducing innovative training programs taking into account global higher education context and the membership in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the Republic of Belarus was granted recently. The training programs should be based on integration between training, research, and production lines of BNTU activities, as well as systematic monitoring of the needs of customers and stakeholders.
• Actively embracing best practices in training specialists with the focus on internships and training in prominent foreign universities, as well as enterprises and organizations dominating world market.
• Establishing effective links with the leading industrial organizations, academic and educational establishments and centers, including foreign ones.
• Developing the University resource base and introducing modern equipment, novel information technologies, and telecommunication systems into training process
• Shaping the spirit of leadership and corporate culture in the University; enhancing the ability to be successful in a competitive environment
• Promoting historical, educational, and cultural heritage of the BPI-BSPA-BNTU (or University) with regard to strategic interests of Belarus.


Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a young heart of Grodno, one of the most beautiful cities of Belarus. It’s a major regional University in Belarus. The present success of the University is deeply rooted into its past.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was the first among regional universities of Belarus to receive national and international certificates of compliance of quality management system to the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009 and DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 (series of standards ISO 9000); and the University was awarded the Government Premium of the Republic of Belarus for quality achievements.


To identify, develop and realize the personal and university potential within intercultural dialogue.


MSLU hoy

En la actualidad, la Universidad Estatal Lingüística de Minsk (MSLU) es líder en el campo de la enseñanza de idiomas en la República de Belarús y ocupa un lugar destacado en el espacio postsoviético.

Entrenamiento en 22 idiomas extranjeros

Actualmente, la Universidad Estatal Lingüística de Moscú proporciona formación en 22 idiomas (Inglés, alemán, francés, español, portugués, italiano, sueco, polaco, holandés, chino, coreano, japonés, árabe, turco, persa, Hungría, Lituania, finlandés, hebreo, urdu, así como el ruso y el bielorruso como lengua extranjera) y 15 especializaciones (literatura extranjera, la lengua y la literatura bielorruso, ruso como lengua extranjera, la lingüística computacional, la retórica, Ortofon (el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero ku niños sordos), la geografía, la traducción literaria, traducción especial, interpretación, servicios de información, el turismo internacional, relaciones públicas, relaciones exteriores y relaciones económicas con el exterior).

Hoy, los estudiantes de nuestra universidad pueden recibir las siguientes calificaciones:

Lingüista. Profesor de dos idiomas extranjeros (con la indicación de idiomas).
Especialista en comunicaciones interculturales. Intérprete-referente (que indica los idiomas de comunicación).
Lingüista. Traductor (con indicación de idiomas).
Estas calificaciones están representadas por una amplia gama de combinaciones de idiomas y especializaciones. perfilado de profundidad permite el instituto para satisfacer plenamente las necesidades educativas modernas de los jóvenes en el campo de la educación humanitaria, lingüística y pedagógica en lenguas extranjeras.

En la estructura MSLU 6 facultades (Departamento de Inglés de la Facultad de lengua alemana, la facultad del departamento de español del departamento de traducción, intercultural facultad de comunicación), MSc (14 especialidades), Licenciado (7 especialidades), Doctorado (4 funciones), el Colegio lingüística (3 especialidades), IPC y el PC (2 departamentos), facultad del lenguaje de Rusia para los ciudadanos extranjeros, el Instituto Confucio, un centro educativo "cursos de noche" MSLU y 7 departamentos de ramas.

Sobre la base de MSLU, existe un departamento educativo y metodológico para la educación lingüística. La Universidad celebró 31 acuerdos de cooperación en el campo de la innovación pedagógica.

En MSLU, más de 7 mil estudiantes están capacitados y trabajan 1.500 empleados. Nuestra universidad se ha convertido en Alma Mater para estudiantes de más de 60 países.

MSLU lleva a cabo regularmente el plan de reclutamiento de participantes. Nuestros graduados son de la demanda en el país y en el extranjero y traductores de trabajo, guías, traductores, especialistas en relaciones públicas, expertos en relaciones económicas extranjeras, profesores, editores, traductores, arte, asistente de investigación, redactores, editores, estilistas, correctores, editores, referentes, editores de estilo, periodistas, reporteros, probadores de software, especialistas en logística y otros.

Material moderno y base técnica

Tenemos un material moderno y la base técnica: 5 edificios educativos, moderna biblioteca, instalaciones deportivas, la construcción del Colegio lingüística, 4 cómodo albergue.

La Universidad cuenta con equipos modernos para la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras (incluyendo habitaciones modernas de traducción simultánea, laboratorios fonéticos, clases de fitness, de usos múltiples). La universidad tiene su propio estudio de grabación, un número suficiente de habitaciones para el trabajo individual, salas de lectura, proporcionando la aplicación de on-line y videoconferencia.

Nuestra universidad tiene una biblioteca única. Su fondo tiene más de 1 millón de copias de publicaciones. Esto es educativo, científico, de referencia y ficción en bielorruso, ruso y 113 idiomas extranjeros. La Biblioteca de Austria se está desarrollando con éxito con el apoyo de la Embajada de Austria.


The Belarusian State University is a leading scientific, educational, innovation and cultural centre of the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian State University (BSU) Minsk, Belarus, was founded on October 30, 1921. It exercises its’ potential which is based on the best domestic and international experience in order to comply with intellectual, cultural and social demands and interests of the individual, society and state and to facilitate the sustainable development of the country. The University Strategy is based on creative cooperation of academic staff and students and aimed at
• performing educational, research and innovation programs;
• forming an auspicious conditions for development of intellectual and creative potential of individual;
• cherishing and upholding the best traditions of university classic education;
• securing a fitting place in the world educational area.


The Belarusian State University is a leading scientific, educational, innovation and cultural centre of the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian State University (BSU) Minsk, Belarus, was founded on October 30, 1921. It exercises its’ potential which is based on the best domestic and international experience in order to comply with intellectual, cultural and social demands and interests of the individual, society and state and to facilitate the sustainable development of the country. The University Strategy is based on creative cooperation of academic staff and students and aimed at
• performing educational, research and innovation programs;
• forming an auspicious conditions for development of intellectual and creative potential of individual;
• cherishing and upholding the best traditions of university classic education;
• securing a fitting place in the world educational area.