L’Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem (UMAB) est située dans la ville de Mostaganem, au Nord-Ouest de l’Algérie.
L’histoire de l’université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem se mêle intimement à celle de la région de Dahra. Fondé en 1978, cet établissement d’enseignement supérieur, a longtemps formé l’élite intellectuelle de la région ouest, et son influence est toujours marquante.
En quarante ans d’existence, l’UMAB n’a cessé de relever les défis scientifiques et sociétaux. Une université dont la situation géographique lui offre une position stratégique. En effet, elle est à mi-distance des wilayas d’Oran, Relizane, Chlef et Mascara.
Baptisée en université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis lors de la visite du président de la république en 1998 par Décret exécutif N° 98-220 du 07 Juillet 1998.
Auparavant, l’enseignement supérieur s’est implanté à Mostaganem dès 1969, avec la création de l’Institut de Technologie Agricole (I.T.A. de Mostaganem) qui formait des Ingénieurs en agronomie appliquée, et l’implantation en 1978 du Centre Universitaire de Mostaganem, qui a ouvert ses portes avec des formations supérieures en Biologie, en tronc commun de sciences médicales et en Chimie.Depuis 1998, l’Université de Mostaganem a connu un essor très rapide de ses infrastructures et capacités, de ses personnels et de ses étudiants. Les efforts déployés par ses responsables, ses cadres et ses enseignants ont permis à l’UMAB de traverser avec succès une série d’étapes qualitatives qui ont fait de Mostaganem un véritable pôle universitaire rayonnant dans toute la région Ouest du pays et bien au-delà.
L’Université de Mostaganem porte le nom de Abdelhamid Ibn Badis qui est une figure emblématique du mouvement réformiste musulman en Algérie. Il était enseignant, philosophe, visionnaire musulman, journaliste, et révolutionnaire de la plume et du savoir. Une fête nationale ‘YAWM EL ILM’ où ‘Journée du savoir est célébrée en son honneur le 16 Avril de chaque année.
L’université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem est composée actuellement de 9 facultés et d’un institut :
La Faculté des sciences sociales qui compte 2 départements (sciences humaines et sciences sociales) ;
La Faculté de littérature arabe et des arts avec 3 départements (études littéraires et critiques, études linguistiques, arts visuels et arts de spectacles) ;
La Faculté des langues étrangères qui compte trois départements (français, anglais, espagnol)
La Faculté des sciences économiques, commerciales et des sciences de gestion qui comprend 4 départements (sciences économiques, sciences commerciales, sciences de gestion, comptabilité et finances) ;
La Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques avec 3 départements (droit public, droit privé, sciences politiques);
La Faculté de médecine qui comprend un seul département (médecine) ;
La Faculté des sciences exactes informatique qui compte 2 départements (mathématiques et informatique, physique et chimie) ;
La Faculté des sciences de la nature et de la vie comprenant 3 départements (agronomie, biologie, halieutique) ;
La Faculté des sciences et de la technologie qui compte 4 départements (génie civil et architecture, génie des procédés, génie mécanique, génie électrique) ;
L’institut d’éducation physique et sportive qui comprend 3 départements (éducation physique et sportive, entrainement sportif et activités motrices adaptées).
The mission of the university is the graduate and post-graduate education as well as the research of which the organization and management types are called to evolve along with the reformation of the Algerian university. Its ambition is to ensure a best education in accordance with international standards which doesn’t ignore humanities and how to enhance the student involvement in social issues.
Created by Ordinance 28/75 of April 29, 1975 from the infrastructure of the Institute of Mines and Metallurgy of Annaba, Badji Mokhtar -Annaba- University has experienced a gradual development with opening new channels each year.
Structured initially in departments attached to the Rectorate, the university saw in 1980, the creation of five institutes (Social Sciences, Languages and Arabic Literature, Natural Sciences, Exact Sciences and Technology, Medical Sciences).
In 1993, it operated with 20 institutes attached to three major families of sectors:
Basic sciences.
Science technologies.
Social sciences and humanities.
Formerly, a versatile training in the profiles of D.E.S, BA, Engineers, and Senior Technicians (DEUA), Badji Mothtar University -Annaba- was pioneering in the adoption of the new LMD system. Technologically predominant, it nevertheless retains a tradition of human sciences developed since its creation.
These elements make it a privileged place for interdisciplinarity and interpenetration with its social and industrial environment.
Since 1999, the university has been restructured into seven (07) faculties grouping 34 departments.
Currently the structures of Badji Mokhtar University are located on eight sites:Sidi Amar, Chaiba (Ex.CEFOS), El Bouni, Sidi Achour, SAFSAF, Annaba (Ex.CITAM), Annaba (Ex.IAP), Annaba (Pierre & Marie CURIE), Annaba (Ex.INESM)
The year 2000 will see the laying of the foundation stone of the university center of the New City Ali MENDJELLI which will lead to the construction of 02 campuses, while in 2003 will be launched the work of realization of the National Center of Research in Biotechnology on this same site. As part of the restructuring proposed by the Rectorate, Executive Decree No. 06.111 of 11 Safar 1427 corresponding to March 11, 2006 amending and supplementing Decree No. 84-213 of 18 August 1984 on the organization and operation of the University of Constantine sets the number of the current vocation of faculties and institutes constituting the University of Constantine as follows:
Faculty of Exact Sciences
Faculty of Science of Nature and Life
Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Languages
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Spatial Planning
Institute of Nutrition and Food and Agribusiness Technologies
Finally, the reception of new infrastructures on the university pole of the new city Ali MENDJELI will give the opportunity to the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences to join its new campus of the academic year 2004-2005, while the Faculty of Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences will occupy his in September 2006. On the other hand, the achievements will be expected to multiply and it is in this logic that was laid, on April 16, 2007, the cornerstone of the new university city south-west of Mohamed BOUDIAF airport, designed to accommodate 52,000 teaching places organized in grandes écoles.
In parallel with these achievements, the Mentouri University launches the project of the reform of higher education with the implementation of the new system (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) from the academic year 2004-2005 and starts, from the this academic year, the establishment of the Master courses. This dynamic, supported by the significant financial means granted by the public authorities, will undoubtedly enable Mentouri University to meet the challenges of the development and rapid evolution of Science and Technology, and to assume with its partners, its driving role in the development of a knowledge-based economy.
The conception of the development of this University is essentially based on a collegial and participative work in which all the components will be requested according to their abilities.
The objective is to obtain the support of all and establish a collaborative management of the University through the establishment of an effective internal and external communication policy, management methods and appropriate and transparent procedures.
The implementation of a Strategic Action Plan, in consultation with all, will allow Mohamed BOUDIAF University to affirm its profession, vision and values.
In these items, we will develop the main axes, strategies, objectives, actions and indicate the objectives to be achieved with the contribution of the entire university community.
The dialogue will be open, permanent and responsible, without exclusivity or exclusion, with all the staff of the University, at the level of individuals, groups and unions.
Benefiting from a privileged location near important industrial centers like Arzew, the USTO Mohamed BOUDIAF must be placed in a dynamic of advanced training, association with the social and economic environment and a Research – Development directed
This will be achieved by integrating into the training and research programs the innovation system and the business culture that will help to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the students.
The Central Administration of the University of Algiers (Rectorate, Vice-Rectorates, Computing Center and the University Library), are located in Algiers-Center, 2 Rue Didouche Mourad, in a site commonly referred to as "The Central Faculty Where originally most of the teachings were concentrated.
The Faculties are divided between this site and others located in different districts of Algiers:
Medical School
Faculty of Islamic Sciences: Annex of the Caroubier;
Faculty of Law: Annex of Said Hamdine;
Faculty of Sciences: "Central Faculty"
The Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism [EPAU] was created in 1970. Designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer, it is located in the municipality of El Harrach, east of Algiers. It reinforces the already established university pole, which includes the National Institute of Agriculture, the Veterinary School, the École Polytechnique and a university campus.
The EPAU is a public institution which is the only one of the specialty to have kept a certain autonomy of management and programming compared to the university. In this school there is only one branch.
Regarding the diploma, this is a State Architect degree of architecture is obtained after five years of study. Two years of basic training, introduction to architectural language, drawing and Architecture project. A pivotal year focused on architectural projection.
Two years conceived as a cycle of deepening of knowledge; the last of which offers the choice of a specific option for the preparation of the diploma project. New graduates can register and submit their greeting card, at the level of the university closest to the place of residence. The classification of graduates is based on the general average obtained in the Baccalaureate. In 2016, the EPAU was named after the Moudjahid Hocine Ait Ahmed.
First University of Algeria, open to the world and driven by a culture of demand, the UHBC contributes to the development of society:
• by training competent people.
• by advancing and sharing knowledge.
• in a dynamic environment of research and creation.
The actions of members of the university community put the student’s success first and reflect the following core institutional values:
• respect for the diversity of people, societies, knowledge and ways of thinking.
• the humanistic and ethical approach.
• the development of critical thinking and thinking.
• individual and collective commitment, and leadership.
• promoting creation, innovation and excellence.
A shared, stimulating and forward-thinking vision mobilizes members of the university community to become one of the best universities. To this end, the UHBC intends to stand out by being:
• a modern university that invests in sustainable development and manages its resources responsibly.
• a comprehensive university, which is recognized as an institution of international reputation for its students and its valuable training programs.
• a state-of-the-art university in research and creation, which stands out nationally for the exceptional quality of its achievements.
• an open university that promotes the exchange, cooperation and participation of its members.
• a university committed to its community that, in keeping with its fundamental mission, its autonomy and its responsibilities, builds fruitful partnerships with all components of society.
• a model university that enables all members of its community to flourish, develop their potential and assert themselves in a dynamic, stimulating, diverse and respectful institutional.