Mustapha STAMBOULI University stands out for its cultural influence, its scientific capital and its contribution to the development of the Mascara Wilaya. It was founded in 1986, in the form of the National Institute of Higher Education (INES), specialized in the field of Agronomy which has developed at the present time into a University composed of seven (07) faculties, spread over three university centers.
This remarkable development has allowed the continuation of the desired growth program, both in terms of necessary land space and in the diversification of the sectors and specialties offered to students, with a view to permanently improving the quality of excellence.
The University of Oran1 is a classical university where all disciplines coexist: the social sciences and humanities, the arts and languages with the exact sciences, the medical sciences, biology, biotechnology and technology in the classical system. Science and Technology, Science of Matter, Mathematics and Computer Science, Science of Nature and Life, Earth and Universe Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Literature and Foreign Languages in the New System of LMD training.
The University of Oran1 is a scientific center and thousands of students in various disciplines graduate each year, it contributes to the training of thousands of foreign students from Arab, African and even European countries. This effort is the result of the dedication of the entire university community; executives, teachers and workers who all work together to meet the challenge of modernity and enable the university to access the rank of the developed world.
The University of Oran1 is making every effort to create a climate conducive to the improvement of the working conditions of all students, teachers and workers.
Created by Decree No. 89-138 of August 1 1989 as amended and supplemented by Executive Decree No. 95-205 of August 5 1995 and amended by Executive Decree No. 98-391 of December 2 1998 the University of Belkaïd Abou Bekr Tlemcen is the result of a long evolution.
Higher education was first provided in a university center that included at the origin (1974-1980) the only core curriculum of Exact Sciences and Biology. This teaching has gradually expanded to new sectors, covering every year, a series of training courses and giving students the opportunity to pursue his entire graduation courses in Tlemcen. In addition to the establishment, often in difficult conditions of university in Tlemcen, the former University Centre can count to its credit the release of the first promotions in Social and Human Sciences and in language.
The establishment, in August 1984, the new university map and thus the creation of national institutes of higher education will first consequence of allowing in one hand, certain sectors of fact confined to mere departments to acquire the status of real institutions, on the other hand to new sectors to emerge.
This stageis also characterized bythe creationof alevel 5 of education (University Applied Studies Degree: D.E.U.A) and the development of the firstpost-graduationinalmost allsectorsinsuredin Tlemcen,finally by thelaunch of the secondpost graduationfrom1991-1992.
It was at the end of fifteen years of gestation that appears the University of Abou Bekr Belkaïd, a new entity, rich in this long period of maturation and open to new challenges. The university has 8 faculties today. located on 5 university poles that are Imama pole Chetouane pole Kiffane pole, pole ring road also called the new pole and the pole Miloud barracks, to which adds Annex Maghnia.