Established in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation
and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous
breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and adapt to
cultural changes. It takes pride in its numerous generations of graduates – the
spearhead of Israeli artists, designers and architects, in Israel and around the globe.

The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design is, first and foremost, a group of talented,
inspired and motivated artists and professionals. Both faculty and students are
driven by a passion to create and by their dedication to quality and excellence.
These two pillars of the Academy have placed Bezalel at the epicenter of Israel’s
cultural discourse and at the forefront of its artistic scene, making it instrumental
in shaping the country’s cultural identity.

Bezalel has over 2000 students studying towards undergraduate degrees in the
following departments: Fine Arts, Screen Based Arts, Architecture, Ceramics and
Glass Design, Industrial Design, Jewelry and Fashion Design, Photography and
Visual Communication. In addition, Bezalel offers graduate degrees in the fields of
Fine Arts, Urban Design, Industrial Design and Policy and Theory of the Arts. Each
department preserves the traditional knowledge, tools, materials and workshops
collected over many decades, while using state-of-the-art software and cutting-edge

Bezalel trains and prepares its students for a life of achievement and excellence. Our students receive a practical education of the highest order, along with a broad-based intellectual foundation in history, literature and philosophy, social studies and the fundamentals of scientific and technological thought. Through interdisciplinary, inter-departmental and ‘basics’ courses and the option of enrolling in courses in all of Bezalel’s departments, our students are introduced to additional fields, outside of their specialized field, thereby enriching their artistic-design understanding.

The Bezalel Academy has an outstanding faculty as well as an extensive variety of
expressive tools, providing our students with total freedom of choice and creative
liberty. By the time they graduate, they are able to effectively cope with the challenges presented by the global world of the 21st century and succeed in blazing their own unique and individual trails through the magical – yet demanding – fields of art, architecture and design.


Founded 1963 as University Institute of Haifa under an agreement between the municipal authorities of Haifa and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Became an accredited autonomous institution 1972. Receives financial support from the government.

The University of Haifa, established in 1972, is an academic institution whose initial and central function is to carry out excellent academic teaching and research. The academic excellence is showcased in many various interdisciplinary and international programs and by means of collaborations with academic institutions around the world.

The University of Haifa is a developing and dynamic institution with a world-renowned reputation in many different fields of research, and it is the leading University in Israel in the fields of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Welfare and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Education and Management. The University was selected by the Council for Higher Education to lead the field of Marine Research as well as the field of Education in a Networked Society. The University offers 20 international academic programs in the English language which attract many excellent students from Israel and abroad.

The University is situated atop Mount Carmel, where Haifa’s southern boundary verges on the Carmel National Park which is one of the most beautiful places in Israel, and over 18,000 students study here for their undergraduate, graduate and doctoral Degrees.

Our faculty and student population is unique in its composition. We have the largest number of military and security personnel who acquire their education there alongside Jewish, Haredi and secular students, new immigrants, Arabs and Druze. The University of Haifa is the most pluralistic institution of higher learning in Israel and is a shining example of how excellent research and teaching can be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and inclusion. This is our contribution to the State of Israel and its continued strength.

The University’s distinctive mission is to foster academic excellence in an atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturalism – an environment which contributes to excellent research and to more exceptional, creative and productive alumni – while strengthening Israel’s northern region to the benefit of strengthening Israel as a whole. We view this mission as being of strategic importance to the continued existence and prosperity of the State of Israel.


Technion Vision: A science and technology research university, among the world’s top ten, dedicated to the creation of knowledge and the development of human capital and leadership, for the advancement of the State of Israel and all humanity.

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is a public research university in Haifa, Israel. Founded in 1912, Technion is the country’s oldest university. The institute offers degrees in science and engineering, and related fields such as architecture, medicine, industrial management and education. Although the official language of instruction at Technion is Hebrew, several undergraduate and graduate study programs and courses are taught in English through Technion International.

Technion, consistently ranked among the world’s top 50, is a major source of the innovation and brainpower that drives the Israeli economy. Technion graduates represent 70 percent of the high-tech workforce and established Israel’s industrial infrastructure, reinforced its technological defense capabilities, and pioneered its technology-based enterprises, that has earned the country’s reputation as the world’s “Startup Nation”Technion_Campus10 w338 (with the highest concentration of high-tech companies anywhere outside the Silicon Valley). Set on a modern campus, Technion is home to a prominent faculty, among them three recent Nobel laureates, and a long list of notable alumni including engineers, scientists, physicians, professors and entrepreneurs. The institute has also been acknowledged as one of the world’s leading entrepreneurial ecosystems and incubator for future successful entrepreneurs.


About IDC Herzliya

IDC Herzliya is an academic institution that changed the face of higher education in Israel and became a successful, pioneering model and a source of inspiration.
Founded by renowned Israeli Professor Uriel Reichman in 1994, IDC Herzliya is a non-profit organization modeled after Ivy League universities in the U.S. In the twenty years since its establishment, IDC Herzliya’s success has drawn both international recognition and some of the finest lecturers and researchers from around the world to our doorstep.

IDC Herzliya’s founders sought to create an Israeli university in which personal achievements go hand in hand with social responsibility. Our outlook is rooted in the concepts of “freedom and responsibility” and emphasizes initiative and leadership alongside community service.

IDC Herzliya is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education and research and the training of future leaders by providing educational programs which combine academic study with practical, hands-on training and encourage innovative thinking. Our faculty is dedicated to IDC Herzliya’s primary goal: giving our students the tools they need to become leaders both in Israel and abroad.

In addition to the aforementioned goals, we are committed to dealing with issues of: Israel’s social & moral agenda; constitutional & governmental reconstruction; economic growth based on a free enterprise system; reevaluation of Israel’s diplomatic strategies and policies and more.

There were no private educational institutions of significance in Israel until 1994, when IDC Herzliya was founded. Modeled on Ivy League universities in the United States, IDC Herzliya is a non-profit corporate entity which is not subsidized by the government and is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education and research. Its founders aimed to create an Israeli university for the third millennium – a university where personal achievement goes hand in hand with social responsibility.

IDC HERZLIYA’s approach is fundamentally different from other academic institutions in Israel because of its interdisciplinary spirit and strong social commitment.

IDC HERZLIYA seeks to train a future Israeli leadership of the highest caliber in the fields of law, business, government, computer science, communications, psychology and economics.

IDC HERZLIYA aspires to provide its students with a broad, in-depth education and the skills needed to excel in the international business arena of the 21st century.

IDC HERZLIYA seeks to employ accomplished faculty of international repute whose careers reflect a combination of scholarly excellence and practical experience.

IDC Herzliya fosters research, scholarship, and development programs noted for their quality, creativity, innovation and impact. IDC Herzliya is a center for the creation of knowledge; the advancement of the social sciences linked to jurisprudence, the sciences and innovation. IDC Herzliya is a leading hub for innovative and collaborative research.

IDC HERZLIYA, a non-profit organization established for the public good, charges tuition based on actual costs, while taking into account the financial means of its students. It selects and rewards its faculty and administrative staff on the basis of individual merit.

IDC HERZLIYA is actively involved in the community, contributing according to its capabilities and the resources at its disposal.

IDC HERZLIYA is committed to the fundamental values of a free and tolerant society, while maintaining a Zionist philosophy – first and foremost, freedom of the individual for self-realization in all realms of thought and action, while striving to strengthen the State of Israel.

IDC HERZLIYA’S motto is "freedom and responsibility."


Founded 1918 and opened on Mount Scopus 1925. Transferred to Central Jerusalem 1948 when Mount Scopus was cut off from Jewish section of the city. Construction of Givat Ram campus started 1954, completed 1958. Mount Scopus campus reopened 1967, and the return of the student body and staff was completed 1981. Also campuses in Rehovot (Agriculture), and Ein Karem, Jerusalem (Medical Sciences). A private Institution financially supported by the Government, tuition fees and donations.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founded in 1918 and opened officially in 1925, is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world and first among Israeli universities.

The recognition the Hebrew University has attained confirms its reputation for excellence and its leading role in the scientific community. It stresses excellence and offers a wide array of study opportunities in the humanities, social sciences, exact sciences and medicine. The university encourages multi-disciplinary activities in Israel and overseas and serves as a bridge between academic research and its social and industrial applications.

The Hebrew University has set as its goals the training of public, scientific, educational and professional leadership; the preservation of and research into Jewish, cultural, spiritual and intellectual traditions; and the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge for the benefit of all humanity.

The Hebrew University strives for excellence, an integral element in its academic life. Its outstanding scholars have achieved impressive breakthroughs in a variety of disciplines, and it is among the very top winners of the European Research Council’s competitive grants to young researchers. One-third of all competitive research grants awarded in Israel are won by Hebrew University scholars.


The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions in the natural and exact sciences. It is located in Rehovot, Israel, just south of Tel Aviv. It was initially established as the Daniel Sieff Institute in 1934, by Israel and Rebecca Sieff of London in memory of their son Daniel. In 1949, it was renamed for Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the first President of the State of Israel and Founder of the Institute.

The history of the Weizmann Institute of Science is interwoven with that of its friends and benefactors from around the world. Established originally with the generous support of the Sieff family of the UK, the Weizmann Institute has proudly assembled a wide international network of friends and supporters, all of whom share our vision of science for the benefit of humanity.

The Weizmann Institute campus pays tribute to these exceptional philanthropists through its buildings, plazas, halls, and courts. Their names, etched in stone, are an inspiration to our community.


Tel Aviv University is now Israel’s largest and most comprehensive institution of higher learning, with over 30,000 students studying across nine faculties, 29 schools and 98 departments. TAU’s rise as a world-renowned university in a mere fifty years demonstrates the power of vision and dedication.

Founded 1953 as a municipal institution, incorporating the former School of Law and Economics, established 1935, the Institute of Natural Sciences, and the Institute of Jewish Studies. Became University 1956. An autonomous institution with independent organizational status. 70% of income provided by the government.

Tel Aviv University is consistently ranked as one of Israel’s top educational establishments. In the 2012 Times Higher Education survey, which evaluated 17,500 universities worldwide, TAU was placed in the top 100 research institutions in the world, receiving the same ranking as Brown University in the United States and the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. The groundbreaking research the university has promoted and sponsored has been recognized by prestigious academic award committees and has benefitted countless people worldwide.

Interdisciplinary Research
One of TAU’s top academic priorities is fostering interdisciplinary attitudes across all fields of research, in the sciences, arts and humanities. It has established several centers dedicated to bringing researchers from different fields together and encouraging them to share their knowledge and develop new understandings and methodologies to benefit society. From neuroscience to the study of culture, TAU has been at the forefront of the increasing global trend of blending rather than segregating disciplines.

Groundbreaking Research
Tel Aviv University has the greatest research output of all Israeli universities and the highest citation rate relative to its staff. In 2011 TAU was ranked 14th in the world in citations per staff member, the highest ranking of any Israeli university.
Additionally, each year several of TAU’s faculty members are chosen to receive the Israel Prize – the most prestigious award bestowed by the Israeli government, meant to recognize excellence in academia or exceptional contributions to Israeli culture.


Bar-Ilan University, founded in 1955, was one of the first comprehensive research universities to be established in Israel. From 70 students to 17,000, its milestone achievements in the sciences and humanities have made an indelible imprint on the landscape of the nation. The university has 8 faculties, four of which focus on STEM research. They include Medicine, Exact Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biophysics and Mathematics), Life Sciences and Engineering. These faculties are active partners in national science and technology initiatives.

Among the most prominent at BIU is the Institute for Nano-technology and Advanced Materials, a dynamic and growing scientific community with its own dedicated building, the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research center headed by the former director of the Neurocognitive Laboratory at Harvard, and the Center for Applied Cryptography & Cyber security ranked 9th in the world.

Seeking “Impact beyond Excellence”, BIU is currently in a vibrant transformational period of creating challenge-driven research centers which embrace practical research designed to change and improve the human experience; adopting innovative instructional methods; intensifying global outreach; and broadening its discourse and dialogue throughout the Jewish world and Israel.

The University is comprised of students from all over Israel; secular and religious; Jews and non-Jews; Sabras and new immigrants. Included within the BIU family, as well, are a multi-faceted academic faculty and administrative staff. Their confluence represents a mosaic of the State of Israel, providing a unique atmosphere for open exchange of ideas and embracement of the "other." Diversity is a key on the BIU campus, and tolerance and civility our operating code.

At Bar-Ilan our students learn to assume social responsibility. They are provided with an opportunity to become knowledgeable Jews, both formally, though our unique program which requires every student to take academic level Jewish studies courses, thereby grounding them in the basics of Judaism, and informally, through the vast multitude of Jewish experiences available on campus.

To paraphrase the inspirational quote of a renowned 19th century figure: At Bar-Ilan University we provide our students with “wings and roots” – the wings to ‘fly’ academically, scientifically – to push back new boundaries of knowledge, learn new things, explore new intellectual universes; and the roots to ‘bind’ them to this earth, to ensure they fulfill their moral and ethical obligations, and become better people and better Jews.


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is one of Israel’s leading research universities and among the world leaders in many fields.

It has around 20,000 students and 4,000 faculty members in the Faculties of Engineering Sciences; Health Sciences; Natural Sciences; the Pinchas Sapir Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management; the Joyce and Irving Goldman School of Medicine; the Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies; and the Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies. More than 100,000 alumni play important roles in all areas of research and development, industry, health care, the economy, society, culture and education in Israel.

The University has three main campuses: The Marcus Family Campus in Beer-Sheva; the research campus at Sede Boqer and the Eilat Campus, and is home to national and multi-disciplinary research institutes: the National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev; the National Institute of Solar Energy; the Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology; the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research; the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel & Zionism, and Heksherim – The Research Institute for Jewish and Israeli Literature and Culture.