Founded as Aktauskij Universitet im. Š. Yesenova (Sh. Yesenov Aktau State University), acquired present title 2008.
Accrediting Agency
Ministry of Education and Science

Main values of “Yessenov University” are oriented on the meeting of demands and needs of teachers and students.
1. Transparency. The administration always supports the implementation of works and projects conducted within the university.
2. Sincerity. Providing sincerity in carrying out of all types of work, if it is done or planned.
3. Creativity. Supporting of new ideas of teachers and students


The development strategy of JSC "Narxoz University" is built taking into account the rapidly evolving challenges of the educational environment. The implementation of the strategy is designed for three years, which is associated with significant changes and new trends emerging in the field of education and the provision of services.

The top management and staff of Narxoz University have identified the higher education system in the world and in Kazakhstan as a rapidly changing environment with a high degree of uncertainty, which is now less predictable than in the past. Consequently, the University provides strategic planning, taking into account uncertainties. Narxoz University’s strategy in these transition conditions has a short planning horizon. The strategy is focused on the creation of an adequate organizational structure that is capable of quickly and correctly respond to expected and unexpected challenges.

The development strategy of the research activities of Narxoz is aimed at positioning the university as a center of science; strengthen the scientific potential of the university, taking a worthy place in the world rankings, and obtaining international accreditations. The strategy also targets to enhance research competence of faculty and students, to have an impact on the decision of social and economic problems in our country and the countries of Central Asia through research and development.


To educate future leaders through high-quality teaching and research to serve the community, the nation, and the world.


Narxoz University aims to become the best and most innovative economic university in Central Asia by 2020.


Created 1963. Reorganized into West-Kazakhstan Agrarian University 1996. Became part of West Kazakhstan State University 2000. Reorganized into the West-Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University 2002. Acquired present title 2003.

External mission primus inter pares.

Internal mission is to be innovative and regional university of personnel and scientific support of knowledge economy.

Vision is to be a leader of quality agrarian technical and economic education and science in West Kazakhstan.

Strategic directions of the activity:

Strategicdirection 1. Trainingof professional and scientific personnel in accordance with the society requirements and the labor market.

Strategic direction 2. Integration into the world educational and scientific field.

Strategic direction 3. Scientific and technical providing of the trade priority.

Strategic direction 4. Educating of harmoniously developed and competitive person.

Strategic direction 5. Modernization of management system and university financing.


Created 1944 as Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Acquired current title and status 1998.

The history of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism begins on November 14, 1944, when the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on the opening of the Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture in Almaty. From the moment of its foundation to the present time KazIFK – KazAST is the main head educational, scientific and sports center in the field of physical culture and sports in Kazakhstan and one of the leading sports universities of CIS countries. Over the years of its activity the Institute, and further the Academy has trained more than 19000 specialists in physical culture, sports and tourism. Graduates of our university can be found in different countries of the far and near abroad. Many specialists who received an education in KazAST (KazIFK), became outstanding sportsmen, coaches, scientists, leaders of the sports movement.

In the formation and development of the university, the great merit of its leaders, who have done much to improve the educational process, training specialists, multiplying the scientific and sports traditions.

Today, the Academy’s task is to keep the traditions of the older generation, multiplying the accumulated positive experience, gradually introduce world standards of education, solve the problems of physical perfection of a person, his spiritual and moral health, show the importance of physical culture in modern society, educate worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is the guarantee of the development of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.

Mission of the Academy:

Ensuring the high quality of training specialists in various fields in the spheres of physical culture, sports, tourism, hotel and restaurant business that are in demand in the society, capable of actively influencing the social and economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meeting the demand of the labor market and meeting the international standard of education.

The goal is to enter the number of leading specialized universities of the countries of the Eurasian space by 2020 to train specialists with a high level of professional knowledge, innovative approaches and scientific and research skills.


– Conformity of the presented educational services with national and international standards;

– formation of the international image of the Academy as the leading educational, scientific and sports center of the country;

– Ensuring effective personnel management, which contributes to raising the level of competence of employees, their interest in the results of their work, increasing the overall welfare;

– active promotion of the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Kazakhstan through the implementation of scientific projects and training of qualified personnel;

– Creation of a modern educational, scientific and sports facilities and conditions that ensure the high quality of the presentation of educational and social services.


L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, an acknowledged academic, research, social and cultural centre, was founded in 1996 by the Decree of N.A.Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The core reason for establishing this higher education institution was the idea of Eurasian Union. The university, which plays an important role Eurasian academic area, has itself initiated the process leading to the achievement of this goal.
Today the ENU is a university with special status acquired under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and with sufficiently high international authority; it is an implementer of academic innovative technologies and continuer of the best research traditions.



Regional multidisciplinary university as an educational, scientific and cultural center, generator of innovations and the source of human potential of high level of competence.


It is a university which has an impeccable image in society, achieved stable development on the market of educational services, maintains broad academic contacts with partners abroad to carry out joint educational, scientific and cultural programs, and provides implementation of innovations and scientific achievements into production and other spheres of social life.

Strategic aim of development

Strategic aim of development is to form unified scientific and educational space of northern region of Kazakhstan that provides its dynamic, continuous and stable social and economic development