The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova was established on 25 September 1991 pursuant to Decision no. 537 of the Government of the Republic of Moldova.The Institute of National Economy of the Ministry of Economy and two faculties within the State University -“Economics”, ”Trade Economics and Commodity Science” – lay the foundation of the Academy.

At present, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova is a modern university complex, organized into 6 faculties, 26 chairs, 2 departments, 7 centres, 13 offices and services, the Master School of Excellence in Economics and Business, 2 Doctoral Schools, School of Tourism and Hotel Services, a Business Incubator and the National College of Trade.

ASEM has a sound material resource basis: a scientific library, a centre of multimedia, a number of centres for on-going training and consulting, other subdivisions, 6 buildings equipped with the latest technologies; 7 dormitories with study rooms; a modern sports complex; 27 computer classrooms, connected to Internet; a rehabilitation centre and a recreation facility in Vadul lui Voda village.

A special emphasis is placed on cooperation with other higher education institutions and research centres from more than 20 countries worldwide, having rich traditions in economic education and research. Our institution is a member of the European University Association (EUA), the Francophone University Association (FUA), the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), the Central European Initiative University Network (CEI – University Network).
Relationships with our partners have promoted advanced teaching methods and modern economic principles, while the academic exchanges have enabled numerous teachers and students to carry out internships at the most prestigious foreign universities. Special importance is given to the implementation of the Bologna Declaration stipulations at ASEM, emphasizing the quality of education, development of scientific research and excellence in academic administration.

The Republic of Moldova has officially announced its strategic orientation towards joining the European Union. This means that universities in our country will find themselves in a highly competitive environment created under the Single European higher education area with a considerable increase of academic mobility and greater opportunities for young people aiming to study in a European university. The above mentioned involve changes and radical improvements in economy, in the system of higher education and will require the development of strategies aimed at ensuring capacity building so as to be competitive under the new conditions of the academic environment.


Founded 1945 and became Pedagogical Institute 1953. Acquired present status and title 1992.

2016Currently the Alecu Russo Balti State University is an educational, scientific, and cultural center in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova, which proposes to deploy the activity according to a set of goals aimed at developing and advancing them to a new level of conceptualizing and achieving its mission as the institution with the status of national heritage, meant to contribute to the reform of higher education on the essential coordinates, according to modern, European and global requirements in the following aspects : a) mission; b) education and teaching; c) research, development and innovation; d) financial and material; e) adequate payroll for hard work, supporting and remuneration of performance; f) technical equipment of the educational process and research; g) continuing education of scientific and scientific-teaching staff; i) extracurricular education; k) self-government students; l) national and international collaboration; m) collaboration with institutions from the pre-university educational system and other institutions and organizations from the city and districts of the country. At the same time, it takes place the escalation of educational internationalization process through participation in various programs: EFFORT, IANUS, IANUS II, EMERGE, EUROEAST, TEMPO, WEBB etc. Dozens of teachers and students benefit from mobilities in universities abroad. Similarly, the University hosts teachers and students from other countries.

The aim of our institution is to prepare specialists corresponding to modern requirements, able to adapt to the dynamic character of the labor market, able to demonstrate initiative, creativity, high professional skills. At the same time, the institution proposes a general formation of students who correspond to the high title of "University Alumni": the democratic spirit, analytical thinking, modern mentality, culture and education, moral conscience, with a particular openness to new, citizenship, sense of responsibility and love for the country and nation. Our slogan is: "The student is the central figure in the university".


The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau was formed according to the decision of the Moldovan Government of 16 August 1940, initially called the Moldovan State Pedagogical Institute, which in 1955 was renamed the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical Institute from Chisinau. In 1992, based on the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 330 of May 21 “Regarding the reorganization of the university education system”, the Institute is reorganized in the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau.

The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau is a higher education institution aiming at the initial and continuous higher education of specialists in the fields of Education Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, Exact Sciences and Social Assistance, ensuring Their professional qualifications on the labor market, as well as in the development of the scientific research activity and the valorisation of its results.

The strategic plan of UPS “Ion Creangă” is elaborated in accordance with the provisions of ongoing reforms in the national and European education system, aiming to achieve the mission of the university: teachers’ pedagogical training and innovation of education sciences through inter- and transdisciplinary research .

In order to achieve the assumed mission, it is necessary to consolidate and improve some general institutional values:

Quality – supporting a culture of quality in all functional subdivisions of the university and in all areas of vocational training.

Cooperation and communication – within the institution, national, regional and international interinstitutional.

Integrity – honesty in all the activities of the members of the academic community;

Excellency – a point of reference in everything the University undertakes and promotes.

Flexibility – by applying different methods and means to achieve individual and institutional programs;

Creativity – providing solutions, including alternatives for the purpose of developing and promoting the institution;

Lifelong learning – for all university teachers.

In order to achieve the classical functions of the university (didactic and research), the strategic plan for the period 2012 – 2015 of the “Ion Creangă” UPS from Chisinau is oriented towards the following priority directions:

asserting organizational culture, image and institutional identity of UPSC and specializing graduates in professions recognized in the labor market;
curricular construction and development for pedagogical higher education;
optimizing the quality of the educational process;
resizing scientific research, wide openness to social expectations; The development of new scientific knowledge, the formation of new professional skills;
developing an educational marketing to promote undergraduate, masters, doctoral and in-service programs of the university;
ensuring the mobility of students and academics through institutional, national, regional, international programs;
changes in the design of institutional financial policy;
creating and validating new performance indicators for teaching staff.


The Moldova State University was founded on October 1, 1946 as the State University of Chisinau. Its creation was a milestone for the development, strengthening and consolidation of the higher education of the country. The MSU is a classic type of institution and its noble mission is to offer qualitative education and training of highly skilled specialists. 5 faculties were opened initially at the State University of Chisinau (Physics and Mathematics, Geology and Soil Science, Biology, Chemistry, History and Philology)

The mission of the Moldova State University is:
training of highly qualified professionals for the national economy, able to work effectively in changing conditions of life and market economy;
organization and development of basic and applied scientific research aimed at solving current socio-economic problems and implementing of the technology transfer of the university research results.
The Moldova State University offers the following objectives:
Academic training in various fields, development of necessary skills for socio-professional integration..
Promotion of human and national axiological values/principles; educating ethic and civil profile of studious youth.
Promotion of human and national axiological values/principles; educating ethic and civil profile of studious youth.
Quality assurance in higher education and in provided educational services..
Participation in elaboration of educational strategies and policies and their implementation in higher education.
Integration into European higher education and research.