The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova was established on 25 September 1991 pursuant to Decision no. 537 of the Government of the Republic of Moldova.The Institute of National Economy of the Ministry of Economy and two faculties within the State University -“Economics”, ”Trade Economics and Commodity Science” – lay the foundation of the Academy.
At present, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova is a modern university complex, organized into 6 faculties, 26 chairs, 2 departments, 7 centres, 13 offices and services, the Master School of Excellence in Economics and Business, 2 Doctoral Schools, School of Tourism and Hotel Services, a Business Incubator and the National College of Trade.
ASEM has a sound material resource basis: a scientific library, a centre of multimedia, a number of centres for on-going training and consulting, other subdivisions, 6 buildings equipped with the latest technologies; 7 dormitories with study rooms; a modern sports complex; 27 computer classrooms, connected to Internet; a rehabilitation centre and a recreation facility in Vadul lui Voda village.
A special emphasis is placed on cooperation with other higher education institutions and research centres from more than 20 countries worldwide, having rich traditions in economic education and research. Our institution is a member of the European University Association (EUA), the Francophone University Association (FUA), the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), the Central European Initiative University Network (CEI – University Network).
Relationships with our partners have promoted advanced teaching methods and modern economic principles, while the academic exchanges have enabled numerous teachers and students to carry out internships at the most prestigious foreign universities. Special importance is given to the implementation of the Bologna Declaration stipulations at ASEM, emphasizing the quality of education, development of scientific research and excellence in academic administration.
The Republic of Moldova has officially announced its strategic orientation towards joining the European Union. This means that universities in our country will find themselves in a highly competitive environment created under the Single European higher education area with a considerable increase of academic mobility and greater opportunities for young people aiming to study in a European university. The above mentioned involve changes and radical improvements in economy, in the system of higher education and will require the development of strategies aimed at ensuring capacity building so as to be competitive under the new conditions of the academic environment.