Integrated development of the productive forces of the Republic, an organization of large farms in the 20-th years strongly demanded training highly qualified personnel who have engineering, technical and agricultural knowledge necessary for future organizers of production.

Approximation problem of training given zonal distribution of branches of agriculture in the Central Asian republics have necessitated the creation of specialized schools, training staff on narrower specialties. It redefined education in 1931 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Central Asian State University horticultural institute with accommodation in the city of Khujand.

Currently Tajik Agrarian University is a center of science and creativity. University graduates play an important role in the agricultural life of the country and successfully employed in the national economy.

More than 30 university graduates elected academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, All Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin, 12 heroes of labor, 300 candidate of science and etc. Hundreds of graduates was awarded the State Prize of the USSR and Tajikistan.

Now, the university studied 7851 students. During its existence, the Institute has trained more 45 thousand highly qualified specialists.

Currently, the university faculties are 9: agronomy, agribusiness, accounting and finance, zoo engineering, veterinary, economic, horticulture and agricultural biotechnology, agricultural mechanization, hydromeliorative prepared specialists in 26 specialties.

At the University are 53 departments, which fruitfully work more than 500 teachers. Among them 2 academician of Agricultural Academy of Republic of Tajikistan, 51 doctors and professors, 140 associate professors.


The Institute main objective – preparation of the competent post-graduate students having a critical sight at public life and capable to solve social problems by means of researches, to introduce new ideas, to create the modern technologies directed on improvement of an everyday life of people.

Source: http://www.kbtut.tj/index.php?pg=risolat
© Politechnic institute of Tajik technical University