The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" is the largest Ukrainian University and one of the largest technical universities in Europe. University has been working and developing since 1898 as a campus, where in one area of 160 hectares they organically integrated environment for learning, recreation, sports and personal hobbies of all 40000th team. During its existence, Igor Sikorsky KPI has prepared more than 230 thousand of engineers.

STATUS: The University is a national autonomous state higher educational institution of research type, accredited with the status of a higher educational institution of the IV level and has the right to carry out educational activities aimed at training bachelors, masters, doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.) and doctors of Sciences.

INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION: The Igor Sikorsky KPI actively participates in international educational, scientific projects and programs, successfully cooperates with 47 countries, has 32 joint structures with universities partners, leading international companies (EC, CU, UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO, WIPO, NATO, EDNES, ICSU, CODATA) and wellknown companies (MOTOROLA, SIEMENS, FESTO, SAMSUNG, INTEL, etc.). The University was also the initiator of the creation of "Center of Supercomputer Calculations and Data" in Ukraine.



National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (NaUKMA) is a classic university that creates preserves and spreads knowledge in the natural, social, humanitarian and technical sciences. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy represents a community that forms nationally-conscious, honest, caring, creative personalities, who are able to think independently and act responsibly in accordance with the universal principles of Good and Justice, for the development of an open and democratic society.


NaUKMA is the leader in innovation that actively influences the future of Ukraine and its society. The Academy organically combines scientific activity, educational process and the acquisition of practical skills of the highest quality. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is a prestigious, internationally-recognized by the world academic community research university.


Kyiv-Mohyla community

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy – is a community of scholars, teachers, students, staff, alumni and friends of the University, people of different cultures and different backgrounds who respect, preserve and develop cultural and spiritual traditions of the Academy.


We strive to make every Mohylyanka student a free, well-educated, responsible and creative personality. We consider tolerance an indispensable trait of a modern man, who, following his own principles, recognizes the right of others to be different.


Following the principles of humanism, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy protects man and humanity, defending human dignity, rights and freedoms. Our University’s distinctive feature is particularly friendly atmosphere between our teachers, students and staff.


The Academy nurtures a specific development environment that encourages to create, search and implement new innovative ideas and solutions, to perform the tasks using unconventional methods. Liberal Arts Education is the basic principle of learning process at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, which provides our students not only with a set of knowledge, but also with a set of competencies that allow them to be flexible, creative and adaptable to a changing and globalized labor market.


Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is a leader in innovation that actively influences the future of Ukraine and its society. The Academy encourages personal leadership, responsibility and commitment. Mohylaynka eagerly takes initiative and responsibility for the development of Ukrainian education, science and other spheres in which it is involved.


We establish and maintain the highest standards in research, teaching and learning activities and distinguish Kyiv-Mohyla community members for their achievements and commitment to our values. At Kyiv-Mohyla Academy there is absolutely no tolerance for plagiarism and any manifestation of corruption. Our student is taught using the official state language, Ukrainian, and the language of international communication, English, as well as other foreign languages.

National consciousness

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy works for the development of Ukraine. We are patriots of Ukraine and communicate using Ukrainian language. However, respect for other cultures, traditions and languages is an important part of our consciousness.


Democracy, openness, transparency, decentralization, inclusivity, fighting authoritarianism, the right to criticize and attention to criticism – these are the fundamental principles of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. We cherish academic freedom, critical thinking and independence.

Active citizenship

Kyiv-Mohyla community is a center of independent intellectual thought and an active passionate part of civil society in Ukraine. The Academy asserts its right to its own opinion, the right to speak critically about the authorities and the processes taking place in Ukrainian society. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy offers and initiates changes aimed at the development of the state.


Kherson State University today is:
а versatile educational, scientific, pedagogical, and cultural centre of Southern Ukraine;
full-day, extra-mural, external studies attended by 8000 students from 23 regions of Ukraine and CIS countries;
18 academicians, members of Ukrainian and foreign academies of science, 68 professors, 234 senior lecturers;
650 post-graduate students, persons working for doctor’s degree, about 1000 lecturers and employees;
Academical Lyceum and Centre of Pre-high Educational Support
scientific-educational work with institutes of higher education of Kiev, Odessa, and the Crimea;
4 educational buildings and laboratories, campus, agricultural and biological research stations, library, recreation zones on the Dnipro bank and on the Black Sea shore, students cafe, students club, sports club, observatory, three gymnasiums and two conference-halls, facility of agricultural machinery.

KhersonStateUniversitywas founded in 1917 and it still creates the unique opportunities for getting accredited education according to the licensed qualifying levels. Our university can be proud of many generations of scientists, professors, lecturers, specialists and students who have made a worthy contribution to the development of science, education, culture, social and political life of the country. It’s been many decades, generations of graduates have changed and each of which (decades) multiplied the greatness and glory of the Alma Mater. Year after year the University intensifies its leading position in the field of education, science, culture and cooperation with foreign partners in national and international levels.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is today a classic university with a distinct research profile, and the leading contemporary academic and educational hub of Ukraine. With the independent Ukrainian nation arising, the University is facing new challenges and responsibilities. The academic experts of the future can be identified by a thorough professional knowledge and the ability to think creatively, with an understanding of the massive responsibility to be taken when working at the leading-edge of academic thought. Only a university with a long tradition of achievement and success both in teaching and in research could cope with such a mission. On 21 April 1994, Kyiv University was granted the status of "National" by Leonid Kravchuk, the President of Ukraine by Decree № 176/94, and on 25 November 1999 a further Decree, № 1496/99, of Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine at that time, significantly expanded the autonomous status of the university. Decree № 412/2008, of Viktor Yushchenko, then President of Ukraine, on 5 May 2008, further stipulated the conversion of the University to becoming the main principal educational and scientific centre of Ukraine for the education of academic and teaching staff with higher qualifications. Then on 29 July 2009 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with Regulation № 795 granted the University the status of being a self-governing and autonomous national research university, while providing increased funding for the future development of the university.

The high status of a classical research University is underpinned by the numerous academic achievements of its staff. The staff at the University have a broad range of formal achievements recognised, in particular with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Awards from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and branches of the national academies of sciences, Orders of Merit, Orders of Saints Cyril and Methodius, awards of the honorary title of Honoured Educationalist of Ukraine and Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, also Awards by the President of Ukraine for young academics and Awards by the Ukrainian Parliament to the most talented young scientists in basic and applied research, and scientific and technological development.


Kyiv National Linguistic University (KNLU) is a higher educational institution of Ukraine. Founded March 30, 1948 as the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Located in Kiev, Pechersk district. Has the status of an autonomous educational institution.

Other main directions of activity of KNLU
In the field of education:

preparation in accordance with state orders and contractual obligations of qualified specialists of various educational-qualification levels for educational, scientific, cultural, state enterprises, institutions, organizations and companies of Ukraine and foreign countries;
improvement of professional skills of educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries;
retraining (receiving the second higher education) specialists for the national economy;
vocational guidance work among pupils on the basis of pre-university training faculty;
development and introduction of modern training technologies on the basis of the University Center for Intensive Learning Methods of Foreign Languages;
provision of scientific and methodological assistance to the basic schools of Kyiv and specialized educational establishments of education of regional and district centers of Ukraine;
vocational training and retraining of citizens from foreign countries.