L’Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem (UMAB) est située dans la ville de Mostaganem, au Nord-Ouest de l’Algérie.
L’histoire de l’université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem se mêle intimement à celle de la région de Dahra. Fondé en 1978, cet établissement d’enseignement supérieur, a longtemps formé l’élite intellectuelle de la région ouest, et son influence est toujours marquante.
En quarante ans d’existence, l’UMAB n’a cessé de relever les défis scientifiques et sociétaux. Une université dont la situation géographique lui offre une position stratégique. En effet, elle est à mi-distance des wilayas d’Oran, Relizane, Chlef et Mascara.
Baptisée en université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis lors de la visite du président de la république en 1998 par Décret exécutif N° 98-220 du 07 Juillet 1998.
Auparavant, l’enseignement supérieur s’est implanté à Mostaganem dès 1969, avec la création de l’Institut de Technologie Agricole (I.T.A. de Mostaganem) qui formait des Ingénieurs en agronomie appliquée, et l’implantation en 1978 du Centre Universitaire de Mostaganem, qui a ouvert ses portes avec des formations supérieures en Biologie, en tronc commun de sciences médicales et en Chimie.Depuis 1998, l’Université de Mostaganem a connu un essor très rapide de ses infrastructures et capacités, de ses personnels et de ses étudiants. Les efforts déployés par ses responsables, ses cadres et ses enseignants ont permis à l’UMAB de traverser avec succès une série d’étapes qualitatives qui ont fait de Mostaganem un véritable pôle universitaire rayonnant dans toute la région Ouest du pays et bien au-delà.
L’Université de Mostaganem porte le nom de Abdelhamid Ibn Badis qui est une figure emblématique du mouvement réformiste musulman en Algérie. Il était enseignant, philosophe, visionnaire musulman, journaliste, et révolutionnaire de la plume et du savoir. Une fête nationale ‘YAWM EL ILM’ où ‘Journée du savoir est célébrée en son honneur le 16 Avril de chaque année.
L’université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem est composée actuellement de 9 facultés et d’un institut :
La Faculté des sciences sociales qui compte 2 départements (sciences humaines et sciences sociales) ;
La Faculté de littérature arabe et des arts avec 3 départements (études littéraires et critiques, études linguistiques, arts visuels et arts de spectacles) ;
La Faculté des langues étrangères qui compte trois départements (français, anglais, espagnol)
La Faculté des sciences économiques, commerciales et des sciences de gestion qui comprend 4 départements (sciences économiques, sciences commerciales, sciences de gestion, comptabilité et finances) ;
La Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques avec 3 départements (droit public, droit privé, sciences politiques);
La Faculté de médecine qui comprend un seul département (médecine) ;
La Faculté des sciences exactes informatique qui compte 2 départements (mathématiques et informatique, physique et chimie) ;
La Faculté des sciences de la nature et de la vie comprenant 3 départements (agronomie, biologie, halieutique) ;
La Faculté des sciences et de la technologie qui compte 4 départements (génie civil et architecture, génie des procédés, génie mécanique, génie électrique) ;
L’institut d’éducation physique et sportive qui comprend 3 départements (éducation physique et sportive, entrainement sportif et activités motrices adaptées).
The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF) is placed under the Honorary Presidency of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. Created in November 2012 and endorsed by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), UEMF is a regional university whose mission is to promote exchanges, intercultural dialogue and academic and cultural partnerships in the Euro- Mediterranean as well as training and high level research.
Located in the iconic city of Fes, UEMF steeped in history and inspired by the cardinal values of Fez and Morocco in terms of openness, tolerance, and diversity to build a regional cooperation platform based on excellence in teaching and research on topics of interest to Morocco and the Euro-Mediterranean region.
It aspires to be a center of excellence and outreach preparing the elite capable of meeting current and future challenges and developing innovative training and research programs that meet the highest international standards.
UEMF is made up of two clusters: the Engineering and Architecture Cluster and the Humanities and Social Sciences Cluster (SHS).
Regional Integration: Contributing to the development and strengthening of regional integration by promoting intercultural dialogue, exchange and academic and cultural partnerships in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Intangible Resources: Create a multi-dimensional, multicultural and multilingual knowledge, creation and innovation hub to first train responsible and aware citizens in common issues, values and heritage, and then experts who master knowledge. multidisciplinary and the latest technical and technological tools
Targeted research: Conduct high-level research responding to the socio-economic challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean area in close connection with the socio-economic world
Innovation and Transfer: Working to create an enabling environment for Innovation, creation and transfer of knowledge and technologies
Local involvement: Being one of the driving forces of economic, cultural and social development of the Fès-Boulemane Region
Professional integration: Accompany the UEMF winners for their professional integration and for the creation of their own business
Developing a vision for the new university requires awareness of the current state of play in light of the functioning of the two universities Mohammed V Agdal and Souissi. For that, a complete and objective SWOT analysis seems to us to be the most appropriate approach.
Strategic Direction: Define promising objectives
Establishing the objectives of the merger is first of all to take into account the achievements, strengths and achievements of each component of the future university based on its own objectives. It is not a question here of interrupting the current dynamic but of revising it by enjoining the new objectives that will flow from the merger process. The latter must show an ambition at the height of the "mega-university" created and aim for the overrun to ensure the success of this tendency to regrouping which has already proven successful in particular in European countries. Our development strategy will focus mainly on the following orientations:
Think about the training for the professional insertion of the student
Propel Research-Innovation by merging two giants
To radiate and open up to one’s socio-cultural environment
Establish governance culture in governance
Diversify the sources of funding for the university
Focus on the student’s fulfillment for his success
Establish a quality approach through permanent evaluation
The main missions of the UMI are:
contribution to strengthening Islamic and national identity;
initial training and continuing education;
development and dissemination. knowledge, knowledge and culture;
preparing young people for integration into working life, particularly through the development of skills;
scientific and technological research;
the realization of expertises;
contribution to the overall development of the country;
the contribution to the promotion of universal values.
UMI also has a normal vocation to provide all initial education and training and to prepare and deliver the relevant diplomas.
It organizes ongoing training for people engaged or not in the workforce to meet individual or collective needs.
The conception of the development of this University is essentially based on a collegial and participative work in which all the components will be requested according to their abilities.
The objective is to obtain the support of all and establish a collaborative management of the University through the establishment of an effective internal and external communication policy, management methods and appropriate and transparent procedures.
The implementation of a Strategic Action Plan, in consultation with all, will allow Mohamed BOUDIAF University to affirm its profession, vision and values.
In these items, we will develop the main axes, strategies, objectives, actions and indicate the objectives to be achieved with the contribution of the entire university community.
The dialogue will be open, permanent and responsible, without exclusivity or exclusion, with all the staff of the University, at the level of individuals, groups and unions.
Benefiting from a privileged location near important industrial centers like Arzew, the USTO Mohamed BOUDIAF must be placed in a dynamic of advanced training, association with the social and economic environment and a Research – Development directed
This will be achieved by integrating into the training and research programs the innovation system and the business culture that will help to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the students.
By Dahir n ° 2.75.662 of 11 Chaoual 1395 (October 17, 1975) and in accordance with the Royal directives aiming on the one hand to bring the institutions of higher education closer to researchers and students and, on the other hand, to integrate the ‘university in its own environment and to promote research for development and regional and national welfare, was created the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fez. Before the creation of the university, there were already institutions in Fes of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Rabat and a university campus.
The missions of the university are framed by the laws, especially the law 00-01 on the organization of higher education, and the regulations in force.
Among the missions of the university:
Initial and continuing training in different fields and disciplinary fields,
Basic and applied research,
Scientific and cultural animation,
Supervision and influence for the development of the socio-economic environment,
Commitment to the service of society, the economy and the environment
participation in international cooperation, bringing peoples together and developing universal principles.
In a context of globalization marked by all-out competition among all components of knowledge, our university, with its strengths and proud of its values, accepts to meet the challenges it faces by engaging in reform processes and adaptations that are needed. Our only motto is the promotion of excellence, the fight against university drop-out, access to new learning technologies through the setting up of digital teaching devices, and openness to international to be able to carve out a place among the world’s elite. Once again welcome to our portal and we all work together, hand in hand, for an innovative university capable of meeting the challenges of the century.