The University of Monastir’s proud heritage of academic excellence dates back to its founding in 2004 (Decree n° 2102 of 2004). Its foundation was part of the reform that the Tunisian university educational system perceived. Its creation aims at developing the service quality under decentralization, by improving the efficiency as part of a new approach that takes into account the scientific, academic and social considerations.

Over the years, The University of Monastir grew and prospered, becoming one of main components of the university landscape in Tunisia

Today, the University of Monastir is serving around 16.000 students annually in 16 institutions distributed among the governorates of Monastir and Mahdia. All of them are well rooted and contribute generously in the innovation of modern Tunisia proving that the University Monastir is certainly a valuable asset playing an important role to avail the overall knowledge of the society .


Created by the law n ° 86-80 of August 9th, 1986, the university of Monastir took its new name under the decree n ° 91-1999 of December 31st, 1991 to become the University of the Center ensuring the scientific and pedagogical supervision settlements in the governorates of Sousse, Monastir, Kairouan and Mahdia. For the 1987/88 academic year, just over 6,000 students were enrolled and spread across 13 institutions

The University of the Center has seen its numbers grow considerably from year to year, bringing together 45,000 students in 2000-2001 and nearly 60,000 in 30 institutions. On the occasion of the celebration of the Knowledge Day (16 July 2004), the University of the Center is divided into 3 and received a new name "University of Sousse", under Decree No. 2115-2004 of 02 September 2004.

The University of Sousse offers a range of academic and professional training in the Basic, Legal, Economic and Management Sciences, Technical, Agronomic, Medical, Paramedical, Arts and Crafts, Humanities and Social Sciences.


The mission of the university is the graduate and post-graduate education as well as the research of which the organization and management types are called to evolve along with the reformation of the Algerian university. Its ambition is to ensure a best education in accordance with international standards which doesn’t ignore humanities and how to enhance the student involvement in social issues.


Created by Ordinance 28/75 of April 29, 1975 from the infrastructure of the Institute of Mines and Metallurgy of Annaba, Badji Mokhtar -Annaba- University has experienced a gradual development with opening new channels each year.

  Structured initially in departments attached to the Rectorate, the university saw in 1980, the creation of five institutes (Social Sciences, Languages ​​and Arabic Literature, Natural Sciences, Exact Sciences and Technology, Medical Sciences).

In 1993, it operated with 20 institutes attached to three major families of sectors:

Basic sciences.
Science technologies.
Social sciences and humanities.
  Formerly, a versatile training in the profiles of D.E.S, BA, Engineers, and Senior Technicians (DEUA), Badji Mothtar University -Annaba- was pioneering in the adoption of the new LMD system. Technologically predominant, it nevertheless retains a tradition of human sciences developed since its creation.

 These elements make it a privileged place for interdisciplinarity and interpenetration with its social and industrial environment.

  Since 1999, the university has been restructured into seven (07) faculties grouping 34 departments.

Currently the structures of Badji Mokhtar University are located on eight sites:Sidi Amar, Chaiba (Ex.CEFOS), El Bouni, Sidi Achour, SAFSAF, Annaba (Ex.CITAM), Annaba (Ex.IAP), Annaba (Pierre & Marie CURIE), Annaba (Ex.INESM)


The year 2000 will see the laying of the foundation stone of the university center of the New City Ali MENDJELLI which will lead to the construction of 02 campuses, while in 2003 will be launched the work of realization of the National Center of Research in Biotechnology on this same site. As part of the restructuring proposed by the Rectorate, Executive Decree No. 06.111 of 11 Safar 1427 corresponding to March 11, 2006 amending and supplementing Decree No. 84-213 of 18 August 1984 on the organization and operation of the University of Constantine sets the number of the current vocation of faculties and institutes constituting the University of Constantine as follows:

Faculty of Exact Sciences
Faculty of Science of Nature and Life
Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Languages
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Spatial Planning
Institute of Nutrition and Food and Agribusiness Technologies
Finally, the reception of new infrastructures on the university pole of the new city Ali MENDJELI will give the opportunity to the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences to join its new campus of the academic year 2004-2005, while the Faculty of Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences will occupy his in September 2006. On the other hand, the achievements will be expected to multiply and it is in this logic that was laid, on April 16, 2007, the cornerstone of the new university city south-west of Mohamed BOUDIAF airport, designed to accommodate 52,000 teaching places organized in grandes écoles.

In parallel with these achievements, the Mentouri University launches the project of the reform of higher education with the implementation of the new system (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) from the academic year 2004-2005 and starts, from the this academic year, the establishment of the Master courses. This dynamic, supported by the significant financial means granted by the public authorities, will undoubtedly enable Mentouri University to meet the challenges of the development and rapid evolution of Science and Technology, and to assume with its partners, its driving role in the development of a knowledge-based economy.


Building on its history, Casablanca’s Hassan II University (UH2C), newly created in 2014, is the result of the merger of two Hassan II universities, Mohammedia and Casablanca. This new dynamic reflects our ambition to put our university in the path of excellence in training and scientific research, on the one hand and strengthen our visibility at the African and international levels, on the other hand.

In this perspective, our university has a development project for the period 2015-2018 with a real strategy and an action plan stemming from the action plan of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training , Higher Education and Scientific Research to lead a successful change, which requires the support and involvement of the university community and all partners and representative bodies of the University.

The main challenge of the UH2C is to succeed in the merger process by making quality one of the major concerns of training and research at the level of all academic institutions, establish a culture of belonging together to the new entity, harmonize the coherence of the training offer and innovate in pedagogy.

Since its launch in 2014, the UH2C has provided its 103,326 students with important scientific, educational and administrative support, with 2,124 research professors and 982 administrative and technical staff and multidisciplinary training covering all disciplinary fields and promoting and the dissemination of professional knowledge to meet not only socio-economic expectations but also to contribute to the development of the country.

At the level of scientific research, our university has more research facilities with 123 laboratories, 10 research centers, two technological platforms, an Observatory and 10 doctoral study centers offering 46 doctoral courses.

In addition, the UH2C is strongly committed to the digital path by promoting the development of adapted digital platforms and applications that it makes available to its university community (students, teachers and administrators). The UH2C MOOCs project, which was launched in 2015, was designed (and developed), in this sense, to facilitate students’ access to online courses in order to cope with the massification of students.

International openness and the strengthening of cooperation are also one of the priorities of our university, which is continuing its efforts to increase the number of students enrolled in mobility projects. international. A digital university open to the world as the model that aspires our university in the future.

The actions carried out during the 2016-2017 academic year have been scheduled to continue on the one hand the efforts of consolidation of the merger (phase III of the diagram below of the merger) and on the other hand, to carry out actions outlined in the 2015-2018 action plan of the UH2C.

For the success of its action plan, the UH2C has set up an organization around four strategic clusters, favoring participative management.

The vision and the axes of development of the UH2C during the period 2015-2018, were conceived in order to increase the growth and the attractiveness of the university on the national and international scale.

The university’s budget was managed during the three years of the merger, to support the completion of the various projects planned as part of the merger and the 2015-2018 action plan.


About the University
Al-Zawya University is one of the governmental universities spread throughout Libya. Established in 1988 on the basis of the decision of the General People’s Committee No. (35). She is a member of the Union of Arab Universities, the Union of African Universities and the Union of Islamic Universities.
The University has 23 faculties in Al-Zawia, Al-Ajailat, Zuwara, including the Arts, Teacher Education, Physical Education, Law, Economics, Science, Veterinary, Agricultural, Engineering, Human Medicine, Dentistry, Public health and information technology.
The university currently administers its buildings and faculties on modern buildings and educational facilities in the city of Al-Zawiya, located six kilometers south of the city of Al-Zawia. It occupies about 100 square hectares.
The number of faculty members in the university is 2981 faculty members of whom (2827) national and (154) expatriates. The number of employees is 2400 employees, technicians and 1900 members of the university guards.

University Vision:
Integration in the field of different sciences and their effectiveness to reach a balance between the requirements of the labor market and the outputs of the university.

University Message:

Al-Zawya University is a governmental scientific institution specialized in university education, graduate studies and scientific research. It provides its services to all segments of society through its capabilities and expertise.

Strategic Objectives:
Preparing and qualifying specialists in the branches of science and knowledge and developing their skills to cope with the needs of the labor market and community service.
Contribute to scientific research and various studies to raise the level of the university, and find solutions to the issues facing development in the Libyan society.
Modernize teaching methods and develop mechanisms and methods used in laboratories and laboratories to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the specialized training process.
The introduction of the latest methods and administrative systems and training at the university, to develop the capacity of human cadres.
To provide students with an environment conducive to them and to encourage their programs and activities inside and outside the university.
Commitment to continuous development and improvement in all disciplines and updating of vocabulary and syllabus.
To take care of Arabic as the cultural container of the Arab-Islamic civilization and to support the use of living languages ​​in educational institutions.
Providing scientific consultations to the bodies, institutions, companies, administrative departments and various public and private bodies.
Supporting and activating joint cooperation with universities and other scientific institutions and institutions at home and abroad.
To promote ethics and ethics and to establish the principle of professional ethics, equal opportunities and teamwork.
Spread the culture of environmental sanitation and sustainable development inside and outside the university.


The Tunisian Virtual University (UVT), a public institution created in January 2002, has the main mission of developing online courses and university programs for Tunisian universities.

the UVT provides its students with vocational courses adapted to the needs of the economic, social, national and international environment.

The UVT will continue to offer distance or hybrid training and will develop appropriate techno-pedagogical models. It will be an innovative university of reference at the national and international level as it is resolutely turned towards innovation accompanied by an ambitious research policy. It will network with the entire Tunisian and international academic world and operators in the field of information and communication technologies.


The University of Banja Luka, founded on November 7, 1975 and comprising of 17 faculties today, is the leading higher education institution in the Republic of Srpska and the second largest one in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Since 2007, the University has been integrated, with the faculties functioning as organizational units.

It is managed by the Steering Board, Senate and Rector, who is assisted by the Vice-Rector for education and students’ affairs, Vice-Rector for scientific research and development, Vice-Rector for international and inter-university cooperation, and Vice-Rector for staff and material resources.

At the moment, there are 811 fully employed professors and teaching assistants, 342 professors working part-time, and 175 visiting professors, the administration of the University totaling 559 employees.

So far, the University has produced 31,500 graduates, 700 hundred specialists, 1,150 MA/MSc and 600 PhD degree holders respectively, with 20,000 students currently enrolled at its study programmes.

Most faculties are situated in two separate campus sites near the banks of the River Vrbas, in the vicinity of downtown area. Each campus site is equipped with dormitories with accompanying canteens, sports courts, students’ clubs and University Computer Centre.

The University of Banja Luka disposes of all necessary facilities, from classrooms and amphitheatres, over reading rooms and libraries, to laboratories and computer rooms. The total classroom area is 16,000 m2, while the laboratories take up 10,000 m2. In most classrooms there are computers and over-head projectors, allowing for use of digital contents in class. As far as the computer rooms, there are 20 of them, all providing a 24-hour access to the Internet. In addition, the libraries provide their users with 185,000 titles and are subscribed to 75 journals.

University of Banja Luka is a member of the European University Association – EUA and is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum. The University is a member of the International University Network for Academic and Research Cooperation, under the patronage of the La Sapienza University Science Park, Rome, Italy, the General Assembly of Interuniversity Centre for Research and Cooperation with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CIRCEOS), with headquarters at the University of Bari, Italy, UniAdrion universities network with headquarters in Ancona, Italy, EMUNI foundation with headquarters in Slovenia and the Agency for Francophone Universities (AUF).


Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar was founded in 1977 as one of the pillars of the development of the Herzegovina region. The University has 8 faculties today, around 5.000 students enrolled in total of 26 study programmes at first cycle, 20 study programmes of the second cycle and 3 doctoral study programmes. More than 200 professors and associates participate in the teaching process. Study programs are organized according to the Bologna principles. Additional University capacities include Institute of engineering, Institute for design and testing of materials and construction, Educational center, the International Centre for Philosophy, Institute for economic development, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, University Library, Multimedia Centre, International Relations Office, Quality Assurance Office, Centre for biotechnology and Centre for Career Development.

University mission is to organize a wide range of educational processes of different contents and levels, to perform theoretical, applied and emerging scientific research, to become one of the leaders in the education of young experts necessary for the development of economy and society, as well as to promote cultural and social development of our region and country.

The vision is to create relatively small and flexible university recognizable in the region of Mediterranean and further, with internationally recognized multidisciplinary educational programs based on the latest teaching methods according the needs of local, regional, and international labor market; to participate in the shaping of future and emerging knowledge and technologies; and to introduce international standards into education in order to become a generator of the society development.

As a part of the efforts to fulfil its mission and achieve the vision, University has good cooperation with national and international higher education and research institutions, as well as local entrepreneurship. Apart from close cooperation with seven other public Universities of B&H, and membership in B&H Rector Conference, Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar has signed bilateral and multilateral Cooperation Agreements with Universities in Spain, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Finland, Austria, Macedonia, Egypt, Norway, Albania, Greece and Poland. Together with its partners, and utilizing the teachers and students potential, the University is implementing a number of projects, funded from different programs and aiming a wide scope of goals, from purely scientific to almost completely socially oriented. The most numerous projects that University implemented after the war are Tempus projects, closely followed by DAAD and WUS-Austria supported projects, than IPA, Horizon, Erasmus+ and of lately Mevlana supported staff and cooperation development. It is our firm determination to continue and strengthen our own potential in applications for Horizon 2020 and other available sources.

Student Union of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar is an independent nongovernmental student organization, aiming to support students in their activities and to protect their rights. It is a member of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Student Association, as well as of the European Student Organization. Students of three technical faculties are additionally organized in a branch of the BEST organization, as the only participating university branch from B&H. As active members, they organize competitions and summer schools in effort to provide additional value to traditional education.