
The University of Mostar has its mission based on the tasks defined by the Law and the Statute of the University of Mostar and the Law on Higher Education. The university organizes and conducts university studies, scientific and highly professional work and develops artistic and technological creativity. In addition to conducting undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education based on scientific, artistic and developmental research, the task of the University and the transfer of knowledge to the economy and society in general.
The University makes strategic decisions to encourage the development of science, curriculum, professional work and development plans towards external partners in scientific activities and higher education. The University provides and implements mechanisms for student and teacher mobility, the rational use of human and material resources, with constant monitoring of the quality, competitiveness and international competitiveness of scientific, teaching, artistic and professional work.

Its mission The University of Mostar is based on three basic features:
education – based on excellence that is focused on students in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies through a teaching and research process, preparing them for highly professional, self-motivated and productive professionals in their existing and future activities.
scientific research – based on excellence and integrated in the educational process at all levels to train new generations of researchers capable of working in an international research area.
community development – thanks to educational, artistic and scientific research The University is the main driver of overall economic, cultural and social development both in the region in which it operates, as well as at the national and international level; Through its activities, the University promotes the preservation and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the community from which it originates at the regional, national and international levels.


The University of Mostar will be developed in a modern higher education institution involved in European higher education and research space, and will, thanks to strong links between the scientific and educational process, implement quality and effective education based on learning outcomes and the concept of lifelong learning.
The university education process should be recognizable by excellence at the local, national and international levels
Scientific and research work at the University will be based on scientific excellence defined by international indicators and stronger integration with the educational process at all levels, and especially in postgraduate studies.
Thanks to new ideas and technological solutions, critical thinking and creativity, the University will become one of the key drivers of the economy and sustainable development while promoting and working to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the social community from which it emerged


Sarajevo was first placed on the map of academic centres in this part of Europe in 1573, with the signing of the Waqfname (Book of Endowment) by Gazi Husrev-bey. Today, Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library is, as an associate member, the oldest institution within the University of Sarajevo. Following the departure of the Ottoman administration and the arrival of Austria-Hungary, the Sharia Judicial Academy was founded in 1887, the National Museum in 1888, the Catholic Seminary of the Vrhbosna Archbishopric in 1890. The Eastern Orthodox Seminary of Sarajevo was upgraded to an institution of higher learning in 1892. Today, the National Museum is an associate member of the University of Sarajevo, and the Faculty of Catholic Theology is a full member.

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry was founded in 1940, and the Faculty of Medicine in 1944.

The Teacher Training College and the Institute of Biology were established in Sarajevo after the end of World War II, in the then Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. Following the Faculties of Medicine, Law and Agriculture and Forestry and the subsequent establishment of the Technical Faculty, in 1949 the Assembly of the People’s Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Law on the University, which formally established the University of Sarajevo. The Faculty of Philosophy (with a science department) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine became its members in 1950. Decades that followed saw a period of intense growth.

Until 1975, the University of Sarajevo was the only university in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the beacon of development of higher education and science in the country. It also contributed significantly to the establishment of the University of Banja Luka in 1975, the University of Tuzla in 1976, and the University of Mostar in 1977.

The international recognition of Bosnia and Herzegovina brought a new period and the University entered it as an association of 19 faculties, 4 academies and four schools of higher learning in Sarajevo and 2 faculties in Zenica.

During the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina and the siege of Sarajevo (5 April 1992 – 29 February 1996), the University suffered enormous casualties and material losses – staff suffered and was displaced, faculty members left, buildings and equipment were destroyed or badly damaged. The University continued to work and fought to preserve civilised standards in the most difficult conditions encountered by any higher education in Europe in the second half of the 20th century. The international academic community noted these efforts with admiration.

In 1996, along with other universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the University of Sarajevo joined the European higher education reform support programmes. This period was also marked by intense work on repairing the wartime damages and creating an environment suited for stable and continuous development. The University of Sarajevo invested all its efforts to re-enter fully the contemporary European and international academic trends.

During the period 1997–2000, the University of Sarajevo coordinated the first European-level TEMPUS project aimed at introducing the 3+2 model.

Understanding the importance of establishing itself within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), in the academic year 2005/2006, notwithstanding the lack of any state-level guidance and the absence of any political, legal or material support, the University of Sarajevo entered the complex process of reform in compliance with the Bologna principles.

The University has developed or participated in several international third-cycle programmes of study based on the EHEA-ERA standards.

In terms of organisation, the University o Sarajevo today is a large and complex public institution, comprising 30 organisational units: 22 faculties, 3 academies, and 5 research institutes, in six areas of academic work: social science, humanities, medicine, technical studies, science, bio-technology and art. Associate members of the University include the National and University Library of BiH, Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library and the National Museum, as well as other units.

In May 2013, pursuant to the Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH and the Law on Higher Education in the Sarajevo Canton, the Senate of the University of Sarajevo adopted a new Statute and thus took a bold step forward, moving from a loose association of faculties towards a university organised in a way shaped by relevant European traditions.

At the moment, most of the facilities of full and associate members of the University are dispersed across the city of Sarajevo. The University Campus, located at the former Tito Barracks, currently houses a group of five faculties and two institutes, as well as additional student-focuses facilities. Zoning permits and designs have been prepared for part of the buildings included in the first part of the Campus Master Plan. The Master Plan was awarded the 2004 Campus Planning Award in Boston, USA.


The University of Carthage (UCAR), founded in 1988, is a Tunisian public institution of education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The UCAR, through its various institutions, is a multidisciplinary university which delivers 303 degrees in the different levels of training, ie preparatory courses for Engineering studies and Aggregation, Fundamental Bachelor’s degree (30) Applied Bachelor’s degree (45) Research Master’s degree (50), Professional Master’s degree (47), National Diploma of Engineering (30), National Diplomas of Audiovisual (6) and Doctorates (26).

The university has 2,325 permanent teachers providing researchers in addition to their mission of training and mentoring, training through research at the Graduate Schools (8) and research activities organized as part of Laboratories (39) and ‘Units (27).

This important human resource potential is administratively and technically accompanied by a staff of 1,373 persons between administrators (17%), engineers and technicians (15%) and workers (48%).


The University of Sfax has experienced since its creation a regular evolution of the number of students, the number of teachers and the quality of training in its establishments.
The university of sfax today lives a new era of development and restructuring.


To meet the needs, in frameworks and studies, of the economic and social environment.

Develop human resources in teachers, researchers, technical staff.

Animate university life through sports and cultural activities.

Ensure a broad opening on the international level.



The Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages ​​was created by presidential decree in 1962. It is a university institution under the Tunis El Manar University and is under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The Institute provides, throughout the year, language courses for listeners, young or adult, Tunisian or foreign aged 15 years or over. It also organizes intensive Arabic teaching sessions, a foreign language for more than 800 participants each summer, as well as an intensive session in modern languages ​​for Tunisian students.
It comprises the following departments: the Department of Arabic and Oriental Languages, the Department of English, the Department of French and the Department of Languages. The languages ​​taught are: German, English, Modern Standard Arabic, Tunisian Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese , Russian and Turkish.

Located in the city center, the IBLV has air-conditioned rooms equipped with audio-visual equipment. This equipment also includes:
2 language labs
a multimedia room
classrooms equipped with DVD players, TV sets, video projectors, etc.
a conference room
a library comprising 4500 titles.
The IBLV also has 24 teaching centers spread throughout the Tunisian territory. Currently, the languages ​​taught in some of these centers are: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Any language can be taught provided there are enough listeners.

IBLV teachers are specialized teachers of foreign languages ​​and some textbooks and teaching tools currently used in the Arabic, French and language departments have been developed by an IBLV team.

Language teaching is based on the communicative approach, the competency-based approach and audio-visual methods.

Mission of the Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages
The Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages ​​actively participates both at the national and international levels, in the dissemination of foreign languages ​​in the context of continuing education and the promotion of the Arabic language and Arab-Muslim culture. In addition to the regular classes at 47 Liberty Avenue and the various centers, the Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages ​​also provides training for staff from several organizations in their workplace.
Continuing Language Training Course for Adults
These courses meet the language needs of increasingly growing learners, moreover, the number of registrants increases each year.


The University of Tunis El Manar is a public institution of an administrative nature created in 1987 under the name "University of Sciences, Techniques and Medicine of Tunis" by article 97 of the law n ° 87-83 of December 31 1987. It had its current name according to the decree n ° 2000-2826 of November 27th, 2000, on the change of name of universities.

Bringing together Tunisia’s oldest and most prestigious higher education and research institutions. The UTM has a quality training offer, open to the needs of society and multidisciplinary (basic and technical sciences of engineering, human sciences, political, legal and economic, medical and paramedical sciences).

With the largest number of research organizations nationwide, the UTM is both strong and radiant with quality research that covers the most diverse fields (health, water, environment, energy, etc.) and framework with the national and international research strategy.

The University’s mission is to:

I – General Mission [Law No. 2008-19 of 25 February 2008 on Higher Education]
Respond to the country’s training needs, produce and disseminate knowledge and develop skills in different fields.
Develop knowledge, master technology and promote it through research and encourage innovation, individual and collective creation in different areas of knowledge.
Ensure the scientific, educational and administrative coordination between the institutions that fall under it.
Participate in the development actions of the country, support the various sectors of the national activity and prepare students for the creation of projects and economic enterprises
Encourage cultural, sports and social activities.
Establish links of partnership and cooperation with similar organizations around the world in order to establish co-diplomas, to co-supervise research work leading to university diplomas, to exchange experts and expertise, and to to conduct joint research related to development priorities.
II – Specific mission
Promote good governance of the university and its components by involving all actors and structures in a decision-making process in a participatory and concordatory way.
Ensure the quality of programs, training courses and degrees in order to develop scientific research and technological innovation.
Ensure that the student is the goal of higher education and the center of the academic institution and that student life is a fundamental step in the training of students, their integration into the knowledge society, their education in the thereby strengthening their chances of finding a job.
Improve the visibility of the University by the quantity of scientific events, the quality of the work of its research structures, the quality of its graduates, etc. in order to develop its academic performance and improve its ranking nationally and internationally


Misurata University is a Libyan university that contributes in growth development and progress promotion through the education of qualified personnel in various scientific fields. In addition to nurturing students’ creativity and sense of exploration, devising plans for human development programs, sustaining a proper atmosphere for a proper educational process and being a consultatory centre in diverse fields of knowledge.

Our Vision:

We aspire to be an educational and academic institution of an international reputation. Graduating specialists holding a distinguished position in scientific research and playing a vital role in lifelong society growth.

Core Values:

Integrity and Accountability.
Transparency and Credibility.
Team Spirit.
Cooperation and Partnership with Relevant Arab and Foreign Institutes.
Our Mission:

Our University seeks to provide distinguished educational and research services, that conform to the global quality standards in various branches of knowledge, by preparing and training graduates, to be able to legitimately compete in domestic and international labor markets. Together with sustaining the proper atmosphere for the conducting of research that can achieve international status. As well as actively contributing to society growth, via influential applicable growth programs, which serve its progress, development and prosperity.


L’Université Cadi Ayyad, la grande université des sciences et du savoir aux régions du sud.

Créée en 1978, l’UCA s’est appliquée efficacement depuis sa création à faire face aux défis conjoints de la croissance massive de ses effectifs étudiants et des transformations de la demande sociale de formation et de recherche.

Le champ de ses compétences disciplinaires s’est étendu au fil des années, en même temps que s’affirmaient sa vocation à préparer ses étudiants à des métiers nouveaux.

L’UCA compte, actuellement, 13 établissements implantés sur 2 régions du Royaume : Marrakech Tensift Elhaouz et Abda Doukkala. Elle couvre 4 villes universitaires : Marrakech, Kalaa des Sraghna, Essaouira et Safi.


Founded 1997. The National School of Trade and Management and the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques already existed since 1994.

Convinced that studies open the doors of knowledge and knowledge and a better understanding of the world, our University aims to combine high-level training and internationally recognized scientific research and our ambition is to create the Hassan University 1st multidisciplinary of international reputation and major player in the development of our Region and our country.
Supported by dynamic research laboratories and supported by its multiple socio-economic partners, the UH1 gives itself the means of its ambitions which have only one objective: to prepare the success of the students in the challenges of tomorrow.
UH1 aims to enable each of its students to find their way: choosing a course of training and / or professionalization. Multidisciplinary, the Uh1 offers a wide range of disciplines that aim to train students on a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills and keep the training in line with the market.
In a context of national and international competition, the UH1 strong of its assets and proud of its values, decided to take up the challenge and to engage in this revolution which know the Moroccan Universities by enrolling in the spirit and the orientations of the emergency plan, which are aimed at promoting excellence, improving the supply of education, tackling university drop-out, promoting research, accessing new technologies and promoting opening to the international.
Our mission of producing knowledge and transmitting it to future generations requires us to innovate to better understand the challenges and challenges of the 21st century. The multiplication of digital tools, the structuring of scientific research and its endowment of means to promote its influence on a regional, national and international scale, the creation of an information and guidance center and the Observatory of insertion of the laureates.


The Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism [EPAU] was created in 1970. Designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer, it is located in the municipality of El Harrach, east of Algiers. It reinforces the already established university pole, which includes the National Institute of Agriculture, the Veterinary School, the École Polytechnique and a university campus.

The EPAU is a public institution which is the only one of the specialty to have kept a certain autonomy of management and programming compared to the university. In this school there is only one branch.
Regarding the diploma, this is a State Architect degree of architecture is obtained after five years of study. Two years of basic training, introduction to architectural language, drawing and Architecture project. A pivotal year focused on architectural projection.

Two years conceived as a cycle of deepening of knowledge; the last of which offers the choice of a specific option for the preparation of the diploma project. New graduates can register and submit their greeting card, at the level of the university closest to the place of residence. The classification of graduates is based on the general average obtained in the Baccalaureate. In 2016, the EPAU was named after the Moudjahid Hocine Ait Ahmed.