The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), placed in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, was founded on December 18, 1960, with the objective of promoting teaching, research and extension. Its community consists of about 60 thousand people, including teachers, administrative technicians in education and undergraduate, postgraduate, high school, fundamental and basic students. There are more than 5,600 teachers (2,452) and technicians (3,189) who work in administrative and academic activities.

It is a free public university and has campuses in four other municipalities: Araranguá, Curitibanos, Joinville and Blumenau. The campuses were instituted with resources from the Program to Support Restructuring and Expansion Plans of the Federal Universities (Reuni), of the Ministry of Education (MEC), in a process of internalization of the University to other regions in Santa Catarina.

Its commitment to excellence and solidarity makes it reach high levels of qualification, participating in the construction of a more just and democratic society. In the World University Ranking 2018 of Times Higher Education, British consultancy in the area of higher education, UFSC is the only one in the state to appear in the ranking and appears as the 16th Brazilian in the list.

The University University Ranking (RUF), edition 2017, which evaluated 195 institutions in the country, UFSC stands out as the 6th best university in the country. Among the federations in Brazil, UFSC is the 4th place, and the 2nd best university in the Southern Region.

Since the 1980s, the institution has invested intensively in the expansion of postgraduate and research, in addition to supporting the creation of technological centers in the state of Santa Catarina and developing a series of extension projects aimed at society.

UFSC has more than 30 thousand students enrolled in 108 undergraduate courses and 14 distance education courses. As for post-graduation, UFSC offers more than 7 thousand places for stricto sensu courses: there are 63 academic masters, 15 professional masters and 55 doctoral courses. In the 12 courses of specialization are about 3 thousand students, 2891 in distance and 179 in courses lato sensu presencial. In the last evaluation of the National Postgraduate System, carried out by the Coordination of Higher Level Personnel (Capes), were rated 6 and 7 – the highest – 17 of the 56 programs evaluated and 62.5% of them obtained an equal or greater than 5.

The Campus Florianópolis is located at the Application College (CA), which offers basic and secondary education to the community and the Child Development Center (NDI), which serves more than 200 children up to 5 years and 11 months old.

UFSC has about 600 research groups certified in the Directory of Research Groups (DGP) of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), bringing together professors, technicians and students.

In addition to the expansion in the country itself, UFSC has been internationalized through cooperation with educational institutions around the world. There are currently around 300 agreements with more than 40 countries on all continents.

Knowledge producing citizenship

The UFSC has a trajectory of 57 years, dedicated to the formation of the human being. With its foundations in the indissociability between teaching, research and extension, it constantly widens and deepens its action from basic education to post-graduation. The social recognition it receives places it among the best universities in the country and in Latin America – a result of the commitment and dedication of its students, faculty and technical-administrative staff. The UFSC increasingly affirms itself as a social institution of higher education, completely committed to building a just and democratic society.


La Universidad Nacional de La Plata, fundada en 1905 por el doctor Joaquín Víctor González, surge de la confluencia de dos conceptos fundamentales. Por una parte, la interpretación tradicional del término "Universidad", como ámbito natural del saber. Por otra, la idea actualizada del conocimiento científico de base experimental, social y artístico en sus distintas expresiones. Con más de un siglo de trayectoria, sigue siendo pionera en estudios y desarrollos culturales, artísticos y científicos de avanzada. Esto le ha proporcionado el prestigio que la sitúa entre las principales del país, del continente americano y del mundo. La docencia, la investigación y la extensión configuran los pilares básicos de esta Universidad. Actualmente cuenta con 17 Facultades, donde estudian 110 mil alumnos de grado. En los últimos años se registra un promedio de inscripciones cercano a los 23.000 aspirantes, de los cuales ingresan efectivamente 18.500. De sus aulas egresan anualmente alrededor de 6.000 estudiantes. La oferta académica de la UNLP incluye 111 carreras de grado -157 títulos- y 170 de posgrado (el 85% están acreditadas o en trámite, por la Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria –CONEAU-), además de unos 500 cursos de posgrado. Entre carreras y cursos recibe unos 22.000 alumnos de posgrado. Además cuenta con 100 cátedras libres dependientes de la Presidencia, que se suman a las muchas que funcionan en las Facultades. En el pregrado, la oferta académica incluye cinco Colegios Preuniversitarios con una matrícula cercana a los 5 mil alumnos. La planta de trabajadores de la UNLP está compuesta por unos 12.000 docentes de grado y pregrado, y 3.000 no docentes. El Edificio de Presidencia, sede central de esta casa de altos estudios, está ubicado en pleno centro de la ciudad de La Plata, en la Avenida 7 nº 776. La Universidad tiene también 154 Institutos, Centros y Laboratorios de Investigación y Desarrollo donde desempeñan su actividad unos 6.000 Investigadores. Además cuenta con un Museo de Ciencias Naturales (y una red de 12 museos temáticos), un Observatorio Astronómico, un Planetario, una Biblioteca Pública (y una red de 21 bibliotecas), una Editorial, una Radio AM-FM, un Instituto de Educación Física con un Campo de Deportes y cuatro sedes del Comedor Universitario, que proporciona unos 7.000 almuerzos diarios. Además, la UNLP cuenta con un albergue universitario ubicado en 61 y 127, de Berisso, donde actualmente se alojan 100 estudiantes del interior del país, que cuenta con consultorio médico, nutricional y psicológico. Cuando finalicen las obras que la Universidad está realizando en el predio, el Albergue tendrá capacidad para alojar a más de 200 estudiantes en habitaciones individuales.


Nacida de la renovación social, cultural y política de comienzo de siglo xx, al amparo de la Reforma Universitaria de 1918; forjada en la confianza del conocimiento por la razón, el pluralismo de ciencias e ideas, la laicidad y el universalismo, la universidad nacional del litoral constituye una república universitaria que, comprometida con los postulados que le dieron origen, lucha por la generación y distribución del conocimiento como un bien público y social, asumiendo el desafío de formar mujeres y hombres libres que, respetuosos de los derechos inviolables e inalienables de la persona humana y el desarrollo sustentable así como la defensa de los valores democráticos, trabajen por una Argentina inclusiva, solidaria, con mayor libertad, igualdad, equidad y justicia e integrada a Latinoamérica y al mundo y para ello, en ejercicio pleno de su autonomía dicta su Estatuto.


The UNS offers more than 50 undergraduate and 100 graduate degrees with the highest national and international accreditations. It has more than 26 thousand students in all levels of education, since it dictates from the initial level to postgraduate careers. Students have free access to basic medical care, language courses and cultural shows. To this, there are almost 20 sports disciplines at no cost, which are used by some 4 thousand students. It also provides scholarships and subsidies to those who have committed socioeconomic status, has a subsidized cafeteria, free collectives among its buildings and the possibility of applying for academic stays at foreign universities, with the majority of the subsidized expenses. The aspirants who every year seek to start a career have support courses, university insertion activities and the accompaniment of tutors, who are advanced students.

Since the definitive return of democracy in 1983, the UNS follows the principles of the University Reform of 1918, with shared management among teachers, students and non-teaching staff in its governing bodies. In addition, its activity is developed under the three pillars supported by the reformist movement for the public university: teaching, research and extension to the productive and social environment

Its teaching staff includes about 2,800 people, including assistants, assistants and professors, and another 600 non-teaching employees. It has 11 libraries, between the Central and those specialized in several Departments. The UNS accredits one of the highest indexes in the country of teachers with postgraduate degrees and research faculty, who place it in the main places of scientific productivity in the country in relation to these scientific personnel. It has twelve double-dependency institutes with CONICET and five laboratories with the Commission of Scientific Investigations of the Province of Buenos Aires


La Universidad de Buenos Aires abrió sus puertas el 12 de agosto de 1821. Desde entonces es una institución que se caracteriza por su excelencia académica y tiene el honor de haber formado a tres Premios Nobel científicos: los doctores Bernardo Houssay, Federico Leloir y César Milstein. Además, en la Facultad de Derecho, se graduó el premio Nobel de la Paz, Carlos Saavedra Lamas.

En la actualidad, la Universidad de Buenos Aires representa un espacio formativo de reconocido prestigio y de un marcado compromiso con la sociedad.


The University of the Western Cape is a national university, alert to its African and international context as it strives to be a place of quality, a place to grow. It is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and research, to nurturing the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative ways to the needs of a society in transition.

Drawing on its proud experience in the liberation struggle, the university is aware of a distinctive academic role in helping build an equitable and dynamic society. In particular it aims to:

• Advance and protect the independence of the academic enterprise.

• Design curricular and research programmes appropriate to its southern African context.

• Further global perspectives among its staff and students, thereby strengthening intellectual life and contributing to South Africa’s reintegration in the

world community.

• Assist educationally disadvantaged students gain access to higher education and succeed in their studies.

• Nurture and use the abilities of all in the university community.

• Develop effective structures and conventions of governance, which are democratic, transparent and accountable.

• Seek racial and gender equality and contribute to helping the historically marginalised participate fully in the life of the nation.

• Encourage and provide opportunities for lifelong learning through programmes and courses.

• Help conserve and explore the environmental and cultural resources of the southern African region, and to encourage a wide awareness of these

resources in the community.

• Co-operate fully with other stakeholders to develop an excellent, and therefore transformed, higher education system.​​


UCT is an inclusive and engaged research-intensive African university that inspires creativity through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship; enhancing the lives of its students and staff, advancing a more equitable and sustainable social order and influencing the global higher education landscape.


UCT is committed to engaging with the key issues of our natural and social worlds through outstanding teaching, research and scholarship. We seek to advance the status and distinctiveness of scholarship in Africa through building strategic partnerships across the continent, the global south and the rest of the world.

UCT provides a vibrant and supportive intellectual environment that attracts and connects people from all over the world.

We aim to produce graduates and future leaders who are influential locally and globally. Our qualifications are locally applicable and internationally acclaimed, underpinned by values of engaged citizenship and social justice. Our scholarship and research have a positive impact on our society and our environment.

We will actively advance the pace of transformation within our University and beyond, nurturing an inclusive institutional culture which embraces diversity.