CEFET-MG offers to its student a complete academic formation, from the technician of average level to the doctorate. Within the Institution, students of all levels integrate research groups, share knowledge and are guided by a capable and active teaching staff in all levels of education. The acknowledgment of this commitment of the CEFET-MG is seen in the size of the investment of the Federal Government and the State Government in scholarships for our researchers.
Professional and Technological Education
Professional and technical education has changed throughout the history of the institution, in constant dialogue with reality. From the first classes focused on the almost artisanal training in the School of Apprentice Crafts, our courses followed the growing national industrialization, and today they cover service sectors, new technologies and social concerns. The technicians certified by CEFET-MG present a solid scientific and technological formation, as well as experiencing an environment that allows them to contact the new frontiers of development and a critical vision of the society in which they are inserted and in which they will act. Blending tradition and innovation, CEFET-MG’s technical courses help our students in their training for the world of work and the multiple possibilities and demands that contemporary society places on us.
Undergraduate courses
The consolidation of CEFET-MG as an institution of higher education was the result of an institutional policy that consolidated several areas of knowledge, an intense program of training of the faculty and the constitution of new research groups. Currently, CEFET-MG offers 16 undergraduate courses, with about 4000 students.
The professionals graduated by CEFET-MG are able to respond to the challenges of the labor market, ready to propose new solutions and assume the responsibilities of large projects in their area of operation.
Graduate program
CEFET-MG, in the 1980s, agreed with the Loughborough University of Technology a Technical Cooperation Agreement, with the support of CAPES and the British Council, to enable a master’s degree program to deepen the training of faculty and, in this way , CEFET-MG could offer other undergraduate courses besides Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The result of the project was the Master’s Program in Technology which, as early as 1991, had its own faculty and laboratory infrastructure.
By 2013, CEFET-MG already offered seven master’s programs as well as a doctoral program.
The first research groups of CEFET-MG appeared in the 1990s. They were responsible for the registration with the CNPq and the beginning of the Master Programs began. In 2012, CEFET-MG already counted 76 active research groups, thanks to the institutional policy that generated support and encouraged the formation of new sets of researchers. The result of this work is the increase in the number of masters and doctors in the Institution.
An important aspect of research groups is the gathering of students from all levels of education, that is, technical education students work together with undergraduates, masters and doctoral candidates. As a result, CEFET-MG has the largest Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program in the country, with 180 annual grants. The consequence of this work is a student with a high level of knowledge and specialization, and international recognition.