Consistently ranked as one of Russia’s top universities, the Higher School of Economics is a leader in Russian education and one of the preeminent economics and social sciences universities in eastern Europe and Eurasia. Having rapidly grown into a well-renowned research university over two decades, HSE sets itself apart with its international presence and cooperation.
Our faculty, researchers, and students represent over 50 countries, and are dedicated to maintaining the highest academic standards. Our newly-adopted structural reforms support HSE’s drive to internationalize and the groundbreaking research of our faculty, researchers, and students.
Now a dynamic university with four campuses, HSE is a leader in combining Russian education traditions with the best international teaching and research practices. HSE offers outstanding educational programmes from secondary school to doctoral studies, with top departments and research centres in a number of international fields.
Since 2013, HSE has been a member of the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project, a highly selective government programme aimed at boosting the international competitiveness of Russian universities.
The Higher School of Economics is a research university that carries out its mission through academic, programming, peer review and sociocultural work based on international academic and organizational standards. We perceive ourselves as a part of the global academic community and believe that international partnership and engagement in global university cooperation are the key elements of our movement forward. As a Russian university, we work for the welfare of Russia and its citizens.
The basis of our work is theoretical and empirical research and the dissemination of knowledge. Without compromising the quality of research and not being limited to teaching fundamental disciplines, we seek to make a practical contribution to the building of a new Russia.
Our university is a community of faculty, staff members, graduate and undergraduate students who are distinguished by their deep commitment to supporting high academic standards in their work. We seek to guarantee that each member of our community has the most favourable conditions to develop.
1. General provisions
1.1. State educational establishment of professional higher education Russian State University for the Humanities hereafter referred to as the University, is a state higher education establishment of federal control.
RSUH mission is to maintain and develop the status of a leading scientific and educational institution in the humanities, social and informational studies in Russia and beyond.
RSUH strives to deliver its contribution to the processes of internationalization and humanitarisation of the higher education and scholarship in Russia, to perceive the functions of a socially oriented institution promoting social and humanitarian values of the modern society. We are targeting at raising the level of competitiveness of the Russian economy and further integrating our country into the global economy.
In its scientific research programs, RSUH will adhere to reaching new horizons in fundamental humanities sciences together with responding to the demands and challenges of the society in generating new productive ideas, technologies, and products to bring value to the solution of the most important issues of social development in Russia and its role as the part of the ever-changing world.
Educational principles of RSUH:
The European two-level educational system (B.A. – M.A.) noticeably increases the number of types of training and offers a possibility to study and work abroad.
Integration of research and education allows students to develop research skills and acquire the necessary set of competences.
Sustainability and interdisciplinarity is represented by the unified educational complex as opposed to a series of specialized non-related programs.
Practice-oriented and student-centered education system is based upon a carefully created combination of fundamental theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills. It allows tapping into the individual abilities of the students. The University has an active tutor system.
The educational environment is inspirational to learning, and is based on the idea of academic freedom, creativity, professional growth and mutual tolerance.
The life-long learning concept views the education as a continuing and an on-going process. RSUH offers preparatory training for prospective students, continuing education programs as well as graduate and postgraduate tracks. The programs operate both in Moscow and in the regions.
The principle of “education through art” has led to creating a unique training environment – teaching in museums and exhibition halls.
Active international presence. RSUH has international research and educational centers and issues double diplomas. There are over 240 cooperation agreements with leading foreign universities and research institutions. Hundreds of students, graduate and undergraduate alike, are provided with internships at top ranked universities in Europe and other parts of the world. RSUH also offers courses read in English.
Southern Federal University is a modern research university with emphasis on innovations and entrepreneurship. In its academic activities it combines studies with fundamental and applied science, as well as cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches.
SFedU traces its history back to 1915.
The University’s position in the national university rankings provides persuasive evidence to its achievements, a positive image and a passion for excellence: SFedU was awarded the 5th place in the Annual Independent National University Rankings.
Over 33 thousand SFedU students (the 2015 data) have already had the opportunity to appreciate the advantages of studying at SFedU, some of which are listed below.
The deserved top place occupied by SFedU in the academic rankings of Russian universities; the well-established traditions maintained by SFedU in the area of education and research; the image which is positive and looks attractive to the prospective applicant
Diverse opportunities of postgraduate and further education; the well-developed network of university branches in the South of Russia
A leading position in the area of innovations and research; integration of research into education; a winning combination of fundamental and applied research; highly reputed schools of thought; open-minded and creative teaching staff; up-to-date research facilities and appliances; collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences and international research facilities
Extensive supportive infrastructure for increased efficiency of professional and research training (Research & Education Centers, Centers providing public access to research facilities, scientific journals published by SFedU, SFedU Publishing Center, etc.)
Great diversity and flexibility of study programsSFedU applicants can pick and choose from a range of Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degree programs in a broadest range of sciences and humanities: history, philosophy, art, economics, law, psychology, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science. Each program contains a number of core courses, but apart from them students can choose between elective courses. It is also possible to apply for several programs.
Up-to-date research facilities and opportunities for young researchers
teaching and research center
many years of experience in teaching Russian to international students
highly qualified teachers
latest methodology and techniques
The Institute was founded in 1966. It was granted its present status in 1998. License No. 1982 issued 13.10.2011.
The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute specializes in teaching Russian to international students and in training teachers to teach Russian as a foreign language. It has three main departments:
Philological Department
Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Center for Continuing Education
The highest priority of the University is to educate broad-minded, cultured individuals capable of independent scientific and philosophical accomplishments. University staff are actively developing modern approaches and techniques in all areas of activity, faithful to the traditions of their predecessors and enhancing the University’s status in the contemporary Russian and international scientific and educational environment.
Tomsk State University has received many awards for its achievements in the establishment and development of the nation’s science, education, and culture. In 1998, by Presidential decree, TSU was included in the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. In 2010 TSU was awarded the status of a National Research university.
Tomsk State University, as a university of the research type, sees its mission as preserving and enhancing spiritual values of humanity in the production and dissemination of progressive knowledge and information, and in the advanced training of the intellectual leaders of society based on integration of the educational process with fundamental scientific research and innovative approaches.
The priority objectives of the University are:
to serve the interests of Russia, to promote the development of its intellectual potential through the production of new knowledge and advanced training of the scientific and pedagogical, managerial, and cultural leaders of the society
to improve the educational process by active use of innovative approaches and information technology in the service of combining the harmonious development of an individual with advanced training of specialists who are leadership-oriented in their fields
to adequately represent the universities of Russia in the international scientific and educational arena, to integrate the University’s academic, intellectual, and informational potential with that of the leading Russian and international centers of higher education, science, and high technology
to successfully develop scientific and pedagogical schools that are historically established and recognized by the international community in the humanities and in the physical, mathematical and natural sciences, through integration with the academic sector of science
to provide science, education, and society with information services through the creation and functioning of a unified information science and learning environment
to establish a coordinating role in the system of higher education for implementation of major projects in the field of education at various levels, in science, and in innovation
to participate in the development of the economy on the basis of innovation, including the provision of staff support for high technology
St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University was founded in 1899. Recently SPbSPU became "National Research University", also known in Russia and abroad as Polytechnic Institute — a recognized Russian and world-wide leader in the field of higher engineering and economic education. Currently it also remains at the leading positions in the rating of Russian engineering higher educational institutions.
At the present time in SPbSPU there are 30197 students and postgraduates, 3056 of them are foreign citizens from 98 countries who annually study at different SPbSPU programs. The University is carrying out education in the following areas: engineering, physics, economics, humanities and information technologies.
The University trains specialists in 38 Bachelor Degree programs and 188 Master Degree programs, 90 PhD programs and 90 Doctorate programs. In addition, in SPbSPU there are a number of non-degree and international educational programs.