It is the University’s Mission to contribute to the development of the society by means of the scientific research, the generation and the dissemination of the new knowledge, and the training of competitive specialists and creative personalities

More than 36,000 students study in KNEU.Only in the main institution, they are taught by:

8 full and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and sectoral academies
more than 127 professors and doctors of science
507 candidates of science and associate professors


The university trains specialists in the field of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, International Economics, Enterprise Economics, Management, Personnel Management and Labor Economics, Information Technologies, Economic Cybernetics, Marketing, Commodity Research and Commerce, Organisation of Trade, Commodity Research and Expertise in Customs. It is situated in the center of Poltava, the spiritual capital of Ukraine and one of the most environmentally-friendly cities of the left-bank Ukraine. The university has a license to train specialists for foreign countries.

Providing of capacity and capability development of students and staff self-realization in their education, research, innovation and organization activity; training of recognized in Ukraine and abroad professionals of new generation – leaders in economics, business, management, servicing, food and Information technologies.
Strategic objective is to ensure the competitiveness of the university on the domestic and European educational services and labor markets.

Major Objectives

1. Providing innovative development of the university.

2. Forming resource support development activities.

3. Increasing quality of the research and pedagogical potential of chairs, the development of schools of scientific fields of knowledge, science and technology.

4. Improving the mechanism of involving talented young people to learning.

5. Providing social protection of staff, students, graduate students and doctoral candidates.

6. Improving management and organizational structure of the university.

7. Improving training and retraining quality of specialists with higher education.

8. Strengthening social partnership and fostering integration processes with other educational institutions, research institutions and employers.


Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University has more than 85-year experience in training generations of specialists for the state and public needs. University graduates hold the administrative, state, cultural, environmental protection positions. They work effectively in different shperes such as education, chemistry, sociology, psychology, technology, design, tourism, translation and interpreting, journalism, publishing and sports.

The university comprises five academic buildings, several dormitories, libraries, assembly halls, gyms, canteens and museums. Students are actively involved into research, cultural, sports and social activities. University study is carried out in the way of full-time and part-time programs. Bachelor and Master training is provided by highly experienced teaching staff with academic and scientific degrees.

Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University includes 9 faculties: Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Ukrainian Philology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics, Faculty of Geography, Faculty of History, Faculty of Pre-school and Technology Education, Faculty of Arts (department of Fine Arts and Graphics, department of Music and Choreography).

University Mission
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University is an innovative centre of education and methodology researching. It is both city and region scientific, cultural and patriotic centre.KSPU operates as one motivated team of professors, administrative staff and students.The mission of KSPU focuses on training highly competitive professional teachers for all brunches of the education sector.KSPU acts according to its principles and fundamental values outlined in the University motto “Truth, creativity, freedom”.Further University development deals with preserving its tradition, introducing innovations and persistent creative work in terms of education, scientific and cultural aspects.


teaching and research center
many years of experience in teaching Russian to international students
highly qualified teachers
latest methodology and techniques
The Institute was founded in 1966. It was granted its present status in 1998. License No. 1982 issued 13.10.2011.

The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute specializes in teaching Russian to international students and in training teachers to teach Russian as a foreign language. It has three main departments:

Philological Department
Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Center for Continuing Education


Our university is one of the oldest universities in our country. Thanks to the traditions it combines academism, openness and innovations.

The university has gained a good reputation and has become a leader in the field of teacher training for 100 years of its glorious and rich history. Outstanding scientists and teachers, famous scientific schools and centres, a high standard of professional and interpersonal ethics, the continuity of traditions and the possibility to transfer rich pedagogical and life experience to the younger generations – all this is BSPU nowadays.

Our University is always ready to share experience and to adopt innovation, that’s why we are open to fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation on the field of education.

BSPU is a member of the Euroasian universities association. This fact shows that the professional training is maintained on a very high level and it confirms that our university can integrate into the international community.

Our teachers and professors apply a creative and an innovative approach to their work, they try to develop individual abilities of every student. Our main aim is to train a specialist of a new formation, an active, an open-minded and a self-confident person.

We do our best to give our students an education which can meet the best standards. At the university a classical approach that combines fundamentality, practice and the pedagogical focus is applied. We take into consideration the current global trends in higher education in order to choose a development model with the students as the future intellectual elite of Belarus in its centre. We are proud of the past and the present of our university, we cherish its honour and reputation.


The Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) is an independent academic institution supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education. It is a member of four associations: Association of Arab Universities, Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World , Community of Mediterranean Universities, and International Association of Universities. In addition, IUG works closely with numerous universities around the world.

IUG provides for its students an academic environment that adheres to Islamic principles as well as Palestinian traditions and customs. It also provides all available resources, including the most up-to-date technology in service of the education process.

Boards and Organizing Bodies:
The university has a number of boards that support, organize and direct its academic mission. The most important are:

The Board of Trustees
The University Council

University Vision:
"A beacon of knowledge, culture and human services that seeks to create a comprehensive social revival. "

University Mission:
IUG is an academic institution that strives to raise the educational, cultural and civilization levels in the Palestinian society, to keep up with current trends in higher education and technology advancements, to encourage scientific research, and to contribute in building future generations and developing the society in a framework of Islamic values."

University Goals:
To raise the levels of educational programs based on quality standards
To develop, support and invest in scientific research tin order to achieve continual development
To strengthen the university’s role in serving and developing the society.
To regulate and raise the efficiency of technical and administrative institutional performance.
To improve the university environment and the level of services presented to students and staff.
To reinforce partnership and cooperative relationships with local, regional and international organizations.


Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) is one of the leading polytechnic universities in Palestine. It was founded in 1978 by the University Graduates Union (UGU), which is a non-profit organization in Hebron district.The primary mission is to emphasize quality vocational and technical engineering education. This is achieved by providing students with practical knowledge to help them acquire an up-to-date experience directly related to their disciplines.

In addition to the two-year diploma degree, PPU has been offering a B.Sc. degree in a number of engineering programs since 1990.

PPU is officially recognized by the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and it is an active member in the Rector Conference of Palestinian Universities.

There are about 6000 students enrolled in the various areas of specialization at PPU during the academic year 2013/2014. PPU dedicates particular attention and commitment to enhance its relationship with the local community by identifying potential community priorities and needs. To this end, it promotes certain diverse services, strategies and programs to meet these priorities and needs.


Towards Science, Technology, and Innovation Entrepreneurial University.


To graduate qualified labor forces able to make a positive change and fulfill the needs and requirements of the community in scientific, technological, and research fields.
To provide innovative ideas and solutions.
To strengthen the role of the scientific research and development in accomplishing sustainable and substantial national growth.
To attract qualified and ranked human resources.
To reform the university environment and atmosphere.

Main objectives:

Assuring quality in academic programs.
Assuring quality in administrative issues.
Encouraging the scientific research.
Communicating efficiently with local community.
Achieving full financial self – dependency.
Enhancing the university atmosphere and the extracurricular activities.


St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University was founded in 1899. Recently SPbSPU became "National Research University", also known in Russia and abroad as Polytechnic Institute — a recognized Russian and world-wide leader in the field of higher engineering and economic education. Currently it also remains at the leading positions in the rating of Russian engineering higher educational institutions.

At the present time in SPbSPU there are 30197 students and postgraduates, 3056 of them are foreign citizens from 98 countries who annually study at different SPbSPU programs. The University is carrying out education in the following areas: engineering, physics, economics, humanities and information technologies.

The University trains specialists in 38 Bachelor Degree programs and 188 Master Degree programs, 90 PhD programs and 90 Doctorate programs. In addition, in SPbSPU there are a number of non-degree and international educational programs.


Based on the traditions of the Fazisi and Gelati Academies and principles of the “Magna Charta of the Universities”, Akaki Tsereteli State University – one of the oldest Caucasian multi-profile higher academic institutions, which ensures the unity and high quality of educational, research and business processes – aims at preparing professionals and leaders who will contribute to the development of their country and the world by creating, accumulating and spreading knowledge.

Akaki Tsereteli State University is one of the oldest universities in the country. In fact, it was established on the basis of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Under the resolution of January 8, 1933, the Tbilisi State University was restored. The state pedagogical institute created on its base was moved to Kutaisi and continued functioning here from February 13 the same year. In 1933-1990 it existed under the name – Aleksandre Tsulukidze State Pedagogical Institute. The institute was accommodated in the city center, in the building were before a Real College was functioning. On the first academic year (1933) up to 700 students who had moved from Tbilisi to our town were studying in their first and second years at the Pedagogical Institute founded in Kutaisi. Following them their professors came to work to Kutaisi.


The North-Caucasus Federal University was founded based on Decree by President of Russian Federation № 958 (July 18, 2011) and Order by Government of Russian Federation № 226-р (February 22, 2012), as the result of a merge of the three universities located in the Stavropol Region – the North-Caucasus State Technical University; the Stavropol State University, and the Pyatigorsk Humanities-Technological University.

This institution is not only rated as one of the largest educational institutions of the region yet it also is a unique site for numerous scientific and innovation projects, the leading arena for intercultural dialogue both within the region and beyond, and is a leading force contributing to the sustainable regional development through educational, cultural, and scientific links both within the NCFD and with the neighboring countries.

By the year 2021 the NCFU shall become the largest academic institution for higher education in the North-Caucasus Federal District.